Part 68

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When Isabelle lifted up and out of the bed, she felt wobbly. Ok, physically clearly not that much better she nearly smiled. Mentally she felt better, and she knew now that was because he had stayed over to look after her last night. But physically she was still weak, she thought as she waited for her head to stop swimming. She still intended to get up and get on with life! There were things that needed her attention. So, after waiting for that queasiness to subside and for her head to stop feeling as if it wasn't attached to the rest of her, Isabelle made her way out of bed. Taking her time and feeling increasingly lightheaded she staggered toward the bathroom. She wanted to wash her face, hoping that would help her feel more human. She probably also needed to get something to eat, that might help alleviate this faintness. She tried to remember when was the last time she had eaten. But that took too much energy, so she gave up. Instead she concentrated on reaching her ensuite. It took her a good couple of minutes to cover the very short distance. Her slow progress had her reassessing whether trying to resolve anything today was going to be realistic let alone productive given she could barely get herself to the bathroom!

Some ten minutes later when Isabelle opened the ensuite door to her room she was surprised to find Doug by the bedroom door.

He had found and filled a flask. In his hand he had a mug. "How do you feel?" Doug asked as he took stock. She looked fresher. She'd combed her hair, washed her face. She had a bit more colour to her face. Though he wasn't sure whether that was embarrassment or good health that gave her that pink tinge.

"Good." Isabelle attempted to pretend she was fine as she upped her pace and headed for bed. But that exhausted her and left her with no other option but to crawl back into bed. "Thank you for your concern."

The aristocrat was back. Doug smothered a grin. "You look better." Though she had struggled to cover that short distance from the ensuite to the bed. Not that she wanted him to notice that. She was busy fussing with the duvet as she attempted to drag it up to cover her shoulders as she sat propped up in bed. Doug put the flask and mug on the bedside table, giving her a chance to settle. Then much to his consternation he put the back of his hand against her forehead for a few seconds and murmured. "Cooler too." She frowned at him. Ok, he clearly thought that just because he had spent the night he could keep treating her like an invalid. But before she could protest, he handed her the mug. "Here you go."

"What is it?" She asked, despite the fact she hadn't intended to have a conversation with him.

"Aspro, lemon juice, cloves, hot water." Doug told her matter of fact. The hot drink scenario was what the Doctor had suggested. Not that Doug had ever envisioned himself playing nursemaid.

"Is that what you were giving me last night?" She coughed, too much talking she reminded herself. While she had secretly liked the fact he had stayed to look after her, she knew, in reality that she had to maintain her distance. See what had happened the last time she let her guard down with this man. He had left her with a broken heart, albeit unexpectedly broken and probably from his perspective unintentionally broken.

Doug nodded somewhat surprised to find Isabelle had remembered last night. He was pretty sure she was in a daze, not quite with it, every time he encouraged her to sit up a bit and have another sip. It became routine throughout the night. Every time Isabelle woke in the night Doug persuaded her to have a sip of the hot drink he had prepared.

"Thank you." Isabelle said quietly as years of manners overrode the need to ensure he did not feel beholden. Why had he stayed? It wasn't as if he owed her anything. They had made decisions that sent them in different directions. Obviously that notice had probably upset the apple cart, again, but that did not warrant him staying to see to her welfare. He owed her nothing.

"Doc said to keep your temperature down and try to get some fluids into you." Which is why he had systematically kept her liquid levels topped up through the night.

"He came." Isabelle scowled. She did not remember that visit. Clearly she had not been as aware as she assumed. She remembered Doug holding the mug to her lips and encouraging her to drink whatever was in the mug, but she did not recall a doctor visiting. That worried Isabelle. For if she couldn't remember that what else had she forgotten?

He watched the frown develop. She would not like the fact she could not remember that visit. It would no doubt leave her feeling susceptible. He tried to sound gentle as he said quietly, "You were out for the count." Doug took the empty mug. "He said it was probably the flu."

Isabelle nodded in acknowledgment of that deduction then she snuggled back under the covers. Now that she thought about it, Doug had probably stayed with her under the doctor's instructions. No doubt her doctor said she'd need fluids and knowing Doug he'd probably felt compelled to volunteer to ensure she got those fluids! So much for feeling better, knowing why he had stayed deflated her bubble of mental well being. Would he have stayed if the doctor hadn't asked him to? "Thanks for staying." She mumbled somewhat disconsolate as she settled her head against the pillows.

Doug frowned at that change in tone. Now what? He wondered as he studied her. She seemed to have backed off again. He'd always prided himself on being able to understand women and anticipate their needs. Looks like he was still on a steep learning curve! 

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