Part 60

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Doug went mute in shock. The silence lengthened. It was then that Ryan realized that winding his brother up was neither productive nor fair, given Doug's current state. It was obvious that Doug had not thought through what might happen when the engagement was broken off straight after that news story.

"Charlie told me that yesterday." Ryan said in a more placating and understanding voice. He figured he ought to supply a few more details. "Isabelle and Marina are trying to find another place."

"Shit." Doug pinched the bridge of his nose as he thought about the difficulty they would face.

"To be honest I doubt they'll find one they can afford. Given who they are trying to help. Things in that area are in state of redevelopment. Rents are now steep if they exist at all, most landlords are selling up to redevelopment firms and the buildings are being knocked down and the land prepared for new expensive apartments. They aren't going to find anything in that area. That's my view. And not without money to back them. Which everyone now knows they haven't got."

"Buy the building." Doug ordered and massaged the back of his neck as the muscled corded with tension.


He wiped a palm down the front of his face and exhaled before he said more quietly. "You heard."

"Yeah, but are you serious..."

Doug interrupted flatly. "Buy the fucking building as a going concern, renting to the current tenants."


"Rent it to them."

"We can't just..."

"We can. If the building is up for sale. Buy it."

"Do you know how much that's going to set us back?"

Doug stated. "It's an investment. Buy it and rent it to them." He hesitated as he thought about the change in landlord and knowing Isabelle's pride the impact that might have on her decision to accept. "Ask Ailsa if we can use her company name to rent it out."

Ryan sighed. "You don't want Isabelle to know..."

"I don't want her to turn it down just because it's us." Doug corrected. He was pretty certain Isabelle wanted nothing to do with him. If she couldn't trust him in her personal life why would she risk trusting him in her professional life. He knew she'd look at him being her landlord as a risk. He hadn't stood by her when things got tough, she'd assume he wouldn't stick by her when things got tough in her professional world. "Buy the building, put it in Ailsa's name or I can ask Jared if he and Caitlin will think about it, but Isabelle is smart, she knows Jared works with me, so she might think it's just us being difficult. Ailsa is our best bet. Ask her."

"Ok." Ryan sighed then figured he ought to at least attempt to get his brother to rethink. "Doug, why don't you just approach her..."

"Ailsa? Why..."

"Not Ailsa. Isabelle. Contact her. Talk to her. I'm sure you can sort things out."

"Nothing to sort out." Doug muttered.

Ryan looked up at his office ceiling, seeking divine intervention. Looked like his brother was going to be a stubborn mule. "Ok. Fine. If that's the way you want to be!" Ryan said on a sigh or irritation. "I'll check with Ailsa and get back to you."

"Good." Doug hung up. He knew what Ryan wanted him to do. Ryan wanted him to go and see Isabelle. All well and good. Except for one key fact. Isabelle was unlikely to want to see him. With hindsight Doug knew his actions had been misinterpreted by the wider community. But at the time he had been hurting. It wasn't often you went to visit your fiancée at a Police station. It wasn't often you found your fiancée surrounded by women who clearly looked like their profession was the age old one of walking the streets. It wasn't often you saw your fiancée look like she would fit in with that group. But still, he should have stood by her. Even in the interim. He should not have walked and left her to face that media scrutiny on her own. He certainly should not have let it at a no comment when ever he was approached.

Doug massaged the back of his neck and paced to the floor to ceiling window at his office. Auckland sprawled in front of him, majestic and usually where he was concerned, soothing. Today it had no effect. Today he knew for a fact he'd screwed up.

Today it was time to figure out how he was going to make amends. 

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