Part 63

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It would be so easy to accept what Caitlin said and go back to trusting the man. But Isabelle was far from ready to go there. She was still smarting from the fact she had trusted a man she barely knew.

"Look, Caitlin, Jared is lucky to have you, and Doug is lucky to have both of you."

"That's what I keep telling them!" Caitlin smiled.

Isabelle looked at the young woman and said firmly, "But the man doesn't want me." When it looked as if Caitlin was about to interrupt Isabelle to correct that statement, Isabelle simply put her hand up, "And contrary to what you and Charlie think, he doesn't love me. So how I feel is irrelevant."

"No it isn't. And yes he does." Caitlin corrected.

"I'm sure you mean well, but..."

"But nothing." Caitlin interjected, "Sorry to interrupt, but nothing." She put her glass down, "Doug and his brother and Jared and his half-sister have had lives that you would not wish on your worst enemy. On the plus side it has made the four of them close. On the negative side it has made them very defensive. They are more likely to think you have it in for them then to believe that you could be doing something out of the goodness of your heart."

"Your husband..."

"Jared is probably the worst. Though having said that, I think Doug's probably on a par." Caitlin huffed. "How much did Doug tell you about their childhood?" When Isabelle quirked her brow. "Figures. I should have known he'd keep that side to himself. The thing is that they both had to look out for their younger siblings, in a very rough environment until the Hawke's grandmother took over. But for many years, things were tough. Doug has the scars to show for it. Some on the outside, but quite a few on the inside. They both have baggage." Caitlin couldn't hide the sadness, "What I realized after a while was that Jared genuinely believed that he was out of my league."

"Yes, well Doug believes ..."

"Doug had a hard time believing that you, someone like you, someone from your side of the tracks, someone as beautiful as you, would be interested in a man with scars on the outside." And on the inside. Caitlin sighed and then looking straight into Isabelle's eyes she said "When Doug started going out with you, Jared said Doug was forever grinning to himself in the office!"

"Grinning? As in demented?"

"No grinning as in happy! Once he'd got involved with you he seemed to think that all his birthdays and Christmases had come at once."

Isabelle wanted to believe that.

"Why is it that women think guys aren't sensitive when it comes to matters of the heart!" Caitlin mumbled before carrying on, "Then finding out you came from the same side of the tracks as him made him believe that was the only reason you hooked up with him."

"I know that." But Isabelle was still pondering over Caitlin's comment. Of course guys were sensitive, could be sensitive. But most of the time, at least from what she could tell, it didn't hit them as hard when they broke up with their girlfriends! Look at Doug, he'd split with her and within weeks he was taking someone to the event Rafe had organised. It was obvious he'd gotten over her fast enough, if he ever was into her in the first place. She had been relegated and he had moved on.

Caitlin frowned as she watched Isabelle for she was sure the woman wasn't listening any more. "The thing is,  do you understand it?" Caitlin demanded softly. "Do you?" Caitlin asked more loudly when Isabelle hadn't responded. Caitlin sighed quietly, "Because according to Jared it's like watching someone give Doug what he's always wanted for Christmas and then showing him that it came from the rubbish heap." Isabelle winced. Caitlin said softly, "Look, it wasn't you he was angry with. It's just that all his insecurities came to the fore. So he concluded, the only reason why you were with him was because he was from that world. It couldn't be that you loved him. Because his own parents hadn't loved him, so why had he any right to expect someone with your credentials to love him? That hit hard."

Silence descended. The two women said nothing for several long seconds before Caitlin put her glass down and got to her feet.

"Well, I've said what I wanted to say." She gave her skirt a quick tug and ran her hands down the front to smooth it out as she said, "I'm asking you to give him a chance."

"You've got that the wrong way round." Isabelle said quietly as she too got to her feet. She braced her palms on the counter, for a second she swayed. Obviously got up too fast, she thought as she waited a moment for the world to right itself.

"I don't think so. I think you're hurt. Which is understandable. But so is he. And I don't think you get that!" She walked over to the kitchen door. "I can see myself out!"

Isabelle's lips quirked as she followed Caitlin to the front door. When Caitlin opened the door, Isabelle said, "Your husband and Doug are lucky to have you on their side." She reached into her pocket for a tissue, anticipating another sneeze.

"I know you probably think I'm an interfering busy body. But please have a think about what I've said, ok?" She stepped through the open door. "Bye."

"Bye." Murmured Isabelle as she leaned on the door and watched the young woman walk toward her car.

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