Part 34

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Doug wasn't sure quite why he was annoyed. After all, it wasn't as if this engagement was for real. So how she reacted to him dancing with another woman was immaterial. But on the inside he was incensed. And frustrated by her lack of jealousy!

"You know," Doug murmured in her ear, doing his best not to let his irritation show, "If we really are to convince your friends that we are engaged, you have to look miffed when another woman commandeers me."

Isabelle tipped her head back to look into his blue-grey eyes. She was tempted to snap. Instead she said softly, "Every one knows Alison is all talk." And Isabelle wasn't going to get involved in playing games. Not when what this evening had shown her was that she was already in too deep. Way, way too deep.

"So if I dance with another woman, you are going to follow my every move with your eyes?" He challenged.

"You aren't going to dance with another woman." She told him quietly. "Not unless you want to put an immediate end to our short engagement." She might not have the theatrical dramatics of his previous girlfriend but Isabelle was no slouch when it came to holding her ground. She was never going to allow a man to walk all over her. And standing around watching a man who was supposedly engaged to you, flirt with other women was not something she would tolerate either for real or in a sham. Best he knew that from the outset. Speaking quietly and calmly she announced, "I may look as if I tolerate being made to look stupid, but just to be clear let me spell it out. I. Do. Not."

Doug grinned suddenly happy and eased her closer. Ok, maybe, just maybe she was as angry with Alison as he was. That had to be a promising sign. Surely that meant something? "Have I told you how gorgeous you look this evening?" He murmured in her ear deciding to add some of his infamous Hawke charm into the mix. No point having the skills to appeal a woman if you weren't going to make use of them.

"Yes, when you collected me." She said coolly. Isabelle was still far from pleased with the man. Surely a man with his prowess and sophistication and experience would know that having a first dance was important. Surely he'd know that making a grand entrance would be diminished if you then promptly abandoned your supposed fiancée in order to dance with a blonde bombshell? Surely, he'd....silently before she could continue to wind herself up ever further Isabelle ordered herself to get a grip. Easier said than done! Her heart reminded her that he danced with another woman before he danced with her, what did she expect her head replied and once again she waged a silent battle in her head.

"What would it take to rattle you?" Doug teased, as he tipped his head back to look into her eyes. He wasn't quite sure how to handle her. That, in itself was a novelty. Most women and he knew exactly what to do, what to say, how to behave. With her, she gave away very few clues.

"I am rattled." Isabelle told him honestly and used the opportunity to exhale an angry little breath. It was all well and going being mad at him because he'd breached social etiquette but it made her even more annoyed to know that his actions hurt on a personal level. This was nothing more than a temporary arrangement. She had no right to be annoyed. She had no reason to be hurt.

Doug's eyes swept over her features and as they took stock of the message in her eyes he wondered whether she was hurt by his decision to dance with Alison. It had never occurred to him that she might genuinely be upset about it. "You hide it well." His murmured and his arm tightened around her as he eased her just that inch closer. He suddenly realized that he liked holding her. Liked having her close in his arms like this. Course he liked cuddling women, but this felt different. With this woman in his arms he felt different.

"Years of practice." Isabelle replied somewhat curtly and then remonstrated with herself once again.

Doug's lips brushed against her hair as he whispered near her ear, "It must have been tough to hold it all together." He was sure that was an underestimate.

"I just paid off our debts." She reminded him and hoped that none in their immediate vicinity could read lips.

"Without a murmur of it escaping." He whispered against her ear.

"I was lucky."

Surprised by that statement Doug tipped his head back and looked her in the eye, "Lucky."

"Yes." She murmured. "Some aren't so fortunate." She said quietly and a gentle exhale, then she added, "Look, I know we've only been here a short while, but would you mind if we left soon?"

She had a busy night ahead of her. And as Cara had said, life was going to get complicated. While Isabelle had told Doug about one aspect of her life, there was lots he still did not know. And given what had happened this evening, she was not about to reveal anything in a hurry.

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