Part 50

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Charlie was wheeled quickly to a labour suite, with Isabelle running alongside the trolley, her hand trapped in Charlie's vice like grip. The doors to the suite had only just stopped swinging shut when Ryan came bursting through with the velocity of a speeding train.

"Charlie?" Ryan dashed to her bedside. Charlie released Isabelle's hand, and took the one her panicked, somewhat flustered husband offered.

Charlie pushed the mask she'd been using for gas. "Where the hell have you been?" She demanded, before she was caught up in another contraction.

But before he could answer the midwife was issuing instructions for an imminent birth and the room suddenly became rather busy. "I need you to focus here! Bear down, push." She was ordered by the midwife who took control of the situation seeing that the husband was flustered and the wife annoyed.

Isabelle stepped back. Her eyes moved from Charlie to Ryan. This was a private moment. Isabelle moved out of the way, glanced around and realised that she shouldn't be here. Isabelle stealthily and quietly inched her way out of the labour suite, though she doubted anyone would have noticed had she gone out to the sound of a fanfare of trumpets.

When Isabelle stepped into the adjoining room, she almost collided with Doug. He was pacing. He stopped immediately when the door opened. Then he blinked. At a loss for words, they said nothing for a moment. Both took inventory of the other. He looked exhausted and worried. She looked wary and weary.

Then Doug asked "How is Charlie?" His voice sounded matter of fact as if he was asking for an invoice. On the inside he had a whole gamut of questions he wanted to ask. But now was not the time. And in reality, never was going to be the right time. Best to just forget what might have been and move on. If only. If only it was that easy.

Isabelle said tentatively. "Better now that Ryan is here." This was harder than she had expected. Given his reaction at the Police station, she should be angry. But she wasn't. She was sad. Desperately sad. And hurting.

Silence. They just stood. Watching each other. Waiting for the other to take that first step toward reconciliation. But neither did.

It was the faint wail of a baby that eventually broke the stagnant silence. Doug and Isabelle turned to look at the closed door. Doug's shoulders relaxed. He hadn't realized he had tensed up. Isabelle felt tremendous relief as the baby's cry registered the safe arrival of a new life.

Elation washed through Doug. The next generation of Hawkes had arrived. His lips kicked up at the corners as a smile of relief and wonder and happiness bloomed.

"Congratulations." Isabelle said softly but warmly.

"Thanks." He couldn't stop grinning. He turned to face the door leading to the birthing room, he couldn't wait to meet his nephew or niece. He stood staring at the door willing it to open and for Ryan to emerge with news of the latest addition to the Hawke family.

Feeling out of place and surplus to requirement, Isabelle took that opportunity to turn and leave the waiting room.

Half an hour later in a private room, Doug, Jared, Caitlin and Ryan were sitting with Charlie and the latest addition to the Hawke family, a beautiful baby boy. Propped up by several cushions, Charlie lay back, tired, but smiling, as she watched Ryan cuddle his son.

Then Charlie frowned. "Where's Isabelle?" She looked at Ryan then Doug then Jared. She'd assumed Isabelle would stay around but it had not registered that she was not with the visiting group.

"She left." Jared told her. "We passed her on our way in." He seemed somewhat diffident as he added, "Of course she doesn't know us and we saw her across the car park so didn't make any attempt to talk to her. But she was leaving when we got here."

"Oh." Charlie frowned, her brow beetled, now that the whole panic about the unexpectedly early arrival of her baby had subsided, now she had a chance to think about what she'd been doing earlier.

Almost as if he was wired to her brain, Ryan picked-up on that thread. "What were you doing anyway?" Ryan asked his wife. He hadn't questioned the fact that Isabelle had phoned and tried to get in touch with him. He hadn't worried about the fact it was Isabelle who had left a series of messages for him, until now.

"We were talking." Charlie turned toward Doug, and scowled at him. "You're way off with her you know."

"Charlie, leave it!" Doug's eyes lost the warmth and cooled instantly as his thoughts veered from his nephew to his ex fiancée.

"No. I'm not going to!" Charlie told him without hesitation. "That idiot Taylor just wanted a scoop. He..."

"Told the truth." Doug interrupted, and he knew he sounded angry. He was angry. Worse, on the inside he was hurt. "I was there remember."

"For goodness sakes! You've got it wrong!" Charlie admonished him and knew that Doug could make Ryan's obstinacy and pride pale into significance in comparison with Doug's pride.

Doug paced away from the bed, and stood by the window, looking sightlessly out at the street below. "She's had years to perfect the perfect image, to learn how to keep secrets. Just because she has you convinced, doesn't..."

Charlie interrupted, "Listen to yourself Doug. Just listen to yourself!" Doug spun around and glowered. 

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