Part 78

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True to his word Doug was back at five. With a holdall!

"I've ordered takeaway." Isabelle told him when he stepped into the kitchen and found her at the table cupping a recently made cup of tea. She hadn't called him, but he had called her, practically on the hour every hour over the course of the day! So she knew to expect him back though he hadn't said anything about moving in!

"You don't cook?" He teased. She looked better. More colour to her face. He had found it increasingly difficult to concentrate at work, wondering how she was coping. Of course he knew she was more than capable of looking after herself, given she had done it for years. But that did not stop him from worrying about her.

Isabelle shrugged and said nonchalantly, "I can."

Doug held up the hold all, "Look, I hope I'm not being presumptuous, but I brought some clothes with me." He'd gone home, packed a bag and returned to her house fully intending to spend a few days here. After all, if he was going to ensure she was well, he needed to see that for himself. It made sense. To him at least.

"Oh." She quirked a brow and glanced at the hold all. No small bag. How long was he planning on staying?

"I'd need a change of clothing." He pointed out hoping he sounded as if this was normal practice, moving into someone's home without asking for their permission.

"Oh, I see. You are planning on staying the night." Isabelle kept her tone light even though her heart was doing cartwheels. This wasn't in her usual repertoire. Making small talk with a man who was in essence telling her he was staying the night! Doug nodded. Trying to sound sophisticated, Isabelle did not make eye contact, instead she looked down at her teacup. "Well, why don't you put the bag in my room." She picked up her teacup and sipped. She wanted to gulp. When had she become so forward? Must be the lightheadedness from her recovery. First she invites him to spend the night in her bed, and now she tells him to move into her bedroom! But at least she sounded as if she had the sophistication to deal with the situation. Gulp.

It was a statement that suggested she had accepted him moving in, albeit temporarily, but Doug waited a beat before saying. "Are you sure?" She was studiously avoiding eye contact. He wasn't sure whether that was a sign of nerves on her part. She had asked him to share her bed last night to avoid having to get up to check on her, perhaps that's all there was to it. On the other hand it felt as if there was a lot more going on here then her simply accepting the fact he'd want to check up on her through the night.

"Yes." Her eyes finally made contact with his. "Unless you'd rather have your own bed." She rolled her eyes and decided that she ought to let him in on some other news too, "Marina phoned, said she'd stopped by earlier, found us asleep and left."

"Oh shit!"

"Thanks." She said drolly. Well, that put things in perspective. He was happy to move in, but not happy for people to know about it. She felt insecure all over again.

"No, I meant, she probably read heaps into it." He watched Isabelle intently, wondering whether she regretted allowing him to sleep alongside her last night. He very much doubted whether she'd want her sister to find her in that compromising position.

Isabelle decided to put him out of his misery for he looked as if he felt terribly guilty. "She thought you'd stayed the night to look after me." Isabelle told him. "She thought it was sweet."

"Sweet?" Doug muttered. That sounded tame.

"I told her you'd been here over the weekend."


Isabelle's lips quirked up at the corners. Her sister had enjoyed teasing her, but underneath the teasing there was also some concern for Isabelle's welfare. "And she said to say thank you nicely." She grinned at Doug's look of relief, "Rafe, he wanted to know whether you'd been explicit about your intentions!"

"Ah." Doug grimaced as he realized that several people now knew he'd been in Isabelle's bed, "And you said?"

"That you wouldn't take advantage of an incapacitated woman."

"And are you?" He challenged quietly. His eyes suddenly serious as he took stock of her features.


"An incapacitated woman?" His eyes were asking her a question that went unspoken. She knew it, he knew it. The question was were they going to do anything about it? Isabelle, licked her suddenly dry lips, her eyes met his. He watched her, silently. She nearly gulped as she read the heat in his eyes. Doug saw the panic and hope in her eyes. "So are you?" He asked silkily.

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