Part 6

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"So what are you going to do?"

"Go round to see her. Tomorrow. First thing." He sliced into the chicken with a vengeance, "And she'd better have a bloody good reason for involving me in her bloody scheme."

"It might not be her scheme." Mick stated just before he popped a forkful of chicken into his mouth.

"Then she damn well shouldn't have fucking paid for it with her bloody credit card." Doug tossed back, and once again his language deteriorated as annoyance won.

"Rhianna, how is it, he swears and doesn't get a lecture, but I..."

"May have something to do with the fact that I am married to you." She told Jethro sweetly without missing a beat, then suggested, "Pass the veg to Mick." She was constantly having to force the young teenager to change his eating habits. "Mick, take at least two veg!"

"I had carrots." Muttered Mick.

Then Doug's words registered in Rhianna's mind. She frowned at Doug, "How do you know it was her card?" Doug and Jethro shared another silent conversation. "What?" She demanded in frustration. "What aren't you telling me?"

"You'd better explain how you know." Jethro advised seeing that glint of obstinacy settle in Rhianna's eyes. He knew now when it was a good idea to concede. When Rhianna fixed on something she pursued it wholeheartedly.

So Doug explained. Once he'd gone over the basics, and Rhianna had got over her shock at how easy it was to get this information she turned to him and said, "So what are you going to do?" And before he could respond she turned her attention back to Mick, and ordered, "Take some veg!"

"Go round and see her."

"And then what?" Asked Jethro.

Doug shrugged. "I haven't a clue."

"Do you want me to phone?" Rhianna asked even as she kept her eyes on Mick as if he was a two year old rather than a twenty two year old. With a great show he spooned some peas onto his plate, and then added some broccoli.

Doug shook his head. "No, I think I need to go and get this sorted." He grimaced. "It was an absolute nightmare at the office today. People phoned to congratulate me. The newspapers phoned to ask questions. I didn't get even a quarter of what I wanted to get done." He poked his tongue in his cheek, then said with pent up irritation, "She needs to explain what's going on, and I want to see her face when she does it."

Jethro and Rhianna shared a glance then shrugged as the message was transmitted and received. It still continued to astonish Mick, that when things really mattered, Rhianna and Jethro looked to each other for direction.

They might tease each other lightheartedly over many things, but when it mattered they took each other seriously. They might argue about it until they reached a decision, but they listened to each other, even when they were arguing. And that was something Mick had found astonishing.

It hadn't been the case in their family. There, they'd been a lot of shouting but no listening. He speared some broccoli and popped it into his mouth, as he continued to watch Rhianna and Jethro. His brother had struck gold the day he'd met Rhianna.

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