Part 35

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Ok, maybe that dance with Alison really had thrown a spanner into the works. At the time he had simply accepted the invitation to dance and not really thought about how it would look.

But now with hindsight he figured that most were probably wondering why he hadn't danced with his fiancée first. There was clearly a breach of social etiquette here. A breach Alison would have known about and yet had no issue in trampling all over it.

Looked like his fiancée was not going to allow it to pass without some form of retribution. But surely leaving would make her look like a prima donna? Taking umbrage over the earlier slight.

Doug's brows furrowed. "You want to leave?" He quirked a brow in complete bemusement when he saw she was serious. They'd only really just got here. Been here less than fifteen minutes. "Now?" Surely they had come to be seen. And to be seen meant staying around for more than this brief interlude.

Isabelle semi nodded. "Well after a couple of dances. Maybe within the next hour." Isabelle conceded. She liked being in his arms, being held close. But what she needed to do was remember that this was all just temporary. Enjoy it while you can, her head and heart screamed at her.

"What's the rush?"

Isabelle said as if what she said made perfect sense, "What's to stay for?" She parried.

That had him leaning back to get a better look at her or more importantly an opportunity to look into her eyes. Her statement had sounded sincere. But given they were here to be seen, surely that meant more than a token appearance.

"You really want to leave that soon?" That really defied logic. She had been keen to have him attend this event in order for them both to be seen together. So why leave so soon? Now that he had a chance to look into her eyes, he knew that something was going on. He just wasn't sure what it was even though he was pretty sure it wasn't due to his dance with Alison.

Isabelle nodded regally. She had to leave that soon. She had other matters to attend to. This is what Cara had meant about complications. "I usually just show my face, stay for an hour or so, then leave." She mumbled, knowing she sounded somewhat gauche.

"Why?" He frowned, and looked at her. Time to be direct. If she wasn't going to clue him in then he was going to ask.

"Why what?" Isabelle hedged. She didn't want to explain further, not until she knew him better.

"Why come if you don't want to?" He could see from that brief instant before the walls went up that she was hiding something, "I mean why bother showing up at all if you aren't planning on staying long?" He frowned, "And given we are meant to be conveying bliss, why run away before everyone gets the gist? Why bother showing up at all?"

"Because it is expected." She said calmly. She had no intention of explaining. Providing the real reason for an early escape was not something she intended to share with this man. He was in her life for a few months. She could juggle. "Keeping up appearances. Being seen out and about." More so now that she was supposedly engaged.

Doug once again eased her closer, "I see."

"It's expected." She felt a bit of a fraud.

"In that case I think we need to do a bit of convincing." He murmured and his voice sent a shiver of anticipation through every cell.

"Convincing?" She was relieved her voice emerged full strength and not as a squeak. Convincing? What did he mean by that? How much more convincing could they be? They were here together. Ok, minus one crucial accessory, the ring. But thus far people seemed to be buying into their resizing excuse for the lack of a ring on her finger.

"Yes." He kept them moving but ever so slowly.

"What do you mean?" She arched back, fusing their hips, but parting their chests.

"Our engagement. It needs authenticity." He smiled at her and she could see the smile in his eyes. That worried her. For it looked like he was thinking up a plan! "Don't you agree?"

"Authenticity? That's why we are here, together." She told him. Her brows furrowed in consternation. "People can see us here."

"Ah. But is what they are seeing credible?" He folded his arm, bringing their clasped palms to lie tight between their chests. The hand at her back eased her close again.

"You have a plan." Isabelle mumbled into his chest. His steady heartbeat highlighted the fact that her heartbeat was galloping.

"Yes." Doug laughed at her tone. She was so wonderfully transparent.

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