Part 40

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Isabelle grinned in amused delight at Doug's response and his cheekiness. Without over thinking it, she took the initiative. Isabelle stepped forward, cupped a hand around his neck and reached up on tip toes to plant an open mouth kiss on his grin. She knew she had surprised him. Good. She was starting to think that he found her predictable! But instead of dwelling on that thought, she kept her focus on the kiss.

A gentle nip on his lower lip and a quick deft flick of her tongue had his pulse soaring and his lips firming instantly. But with her own smile, she pulled away. It felt good. Taking the initiative felt good.

"Wait." Doug reached for Isabelle's arm and gently but firmly pulled her closer. There was no way he was going to leave it at that. Not when that kiss had various nerve endings springing to life! "Let's try that again." She missed seeing the raw unbridled passion that ignited his blue-grey eyes, turning them almost as dark as hers But his tone had her chest tightening with anticipation. She licked her lips quickly.

This time Doug initiated the kiss.

With intuitive expertise one arm banded across her back and one hand cupped the back of her head. Then Doug lowered his head, until his mouth met hers. It felt as if heaven had arrived on earth. He took his time enjoying her lips, pressing, and teasing until her mouth opened for him.

Doug needed no further encouragement. Isabelle inched closer. Doug held her close as his mouth fused with hers, his tongue took its time to taste, and savour, and play. She was such a delight. Such a sensualist. Beneath that control and reserve was passion. Isabelle held onto his shirtfront as that primed nuclear warhead finally detonated. Her senses reeled. Taste, touch, scent exploded.

He was an expert, clearly an expert, was her last coherent thought before Isabelle surrendered thought and just gave in to feeling. An urge to to press closer, be skin to skin all but overwhelmed her. Isabelle wanted to be devoured and wanted to devour.

Doug wasn't expecting the surge of adrenalin. He hadn't anticipated the response. Neither response, hers nor his was what he was prepared for. For a man who had kissed his fair share of women, this moment was completely unexpected. But his heart was thundering, his soul was singing and his body was hard.

Doug curled his fingers around the back of her neck. Tugging her closer, kissing her until she couldn't quite catch her breath. With a great deal of reluctance Doug slowly disengaged. Her eyes remained closed for an instant longer. Her lips partly swollen from the ferocity of their passion parted slightly as she sucked in some much needed oxygen.

Then her eyes opened. They met his.

And what he saw in her eyes had him lowering his head again. Once again, their lips met. A slow heat from her very core spread through the rest of her body as his arm circled her waist and pulled her close enough and tight enough for her to hear his heart thundering and feel his arousal. Her breasts flattened against the wall of his chest, as his lips continued to take her on a journey that was both novel and exhilarating.

"Charlie stop spying on them." Ryan admonished knowing that it would make no difference to Charlie. She was determined to figure out whether there was any potential in the relationship between Doug and Isabelle.

Charlie turned and grinned at Ryan. She was delighted. "Your brother's days as a single man are over!" She said smugly. Secretly she was delighted. She wanted to see Doug happy and the woman currently in his arms clearly made him happy. Of course Charlie had seen Doug with other women, but tonight was different. Very, very different. She'd felt that when they were sitting and chatting around the dinner table.

He'd been protective of Isabelle over dinner, which was lovely to watch. Seeing this gentle side to the man. He had been very protective of Isabelle. Running interference whenever Charlie's questions were too personal, or just way too blunt. That in itself was telling. But there were other clues to, like the way he kept looking at Isabelle. And the number of times he had smiled at her. The way he smiled at her. Lots of little signals that signaled the end of his single status.

"Doubt it." Ryan muttered, but he too wondered whether what he had seen over dinner gave a good clear signal about the reality of this supposed scam of an engagement. His brother looked happy. There was a nice vibe in the room as a consequent of the genuine degree of respect and attraction between Doug and Isabelle. 

"You should see the way they kiss." Charlie told Ryan with a happy wistful smile. "He's sunk!"

"Charlie!" Ryan warned. Kiss? His brother was kissing Isabelle? That was taking a make belief engagement to the extreme! "Leave them alone."

"OK, ok." Charlie reluctantly came away from the window, but her mind was working overtime. "But I'm right. She's Doug's match." Charlie announced smugly. Ryan snorted to convey his disregard. Fortunately for them they had a solid relationship, and this banter was the norm. "Just saying what I just saw was like watching foreplay in a porno!" Charlie said smugly as she waddled toward Ryan who was beyond rolling his eyes at her.

Instead Ryan chuckled. "Come here you nosey busy body!" He wrapped his arms around her, as best he could and nuzzled  her ear before he whispered, "So you're turned on then?" He angled his head and his lips teased their way from her ear to her lips. As far as Ryan was concerned, Doug was experienced enough to take care of his own love life.

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