Part 53

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Isabelle knew she'd made a mistake in coming, but she wasn't going to hide. She might not receive the invitations to parties that had once arrived in handfuls, but she would not hide. So when Marina told her about the charity dinner and dance, Isabelle had bought a ticket. Rafe was on the organising committee and Isabelle decided she was going to attend the event.

Isabelle arrived alone. In the past getting a date was not a problem. Now, no one of any standing wished to be seen in her company for want of getting a reputation of their own. It seemed that keeping the wool over their eyes about the family financial situation and associating with prostitutes were just too much. Those that wanted to accompany her were doing so to simply give the community a two fingered message.

So she had arrived alone.

Marina and Rafe and a couple of their colleagues were meeting the guests at the entrance to the hall.

"Hi." Marina gave her sister an encouraging smile and hug. "You look great."

Rafe also gave her a hug "Thanks for coming."

She smiled at him, "Thanks for allowing me."

"They're a bunch of Prats." He told her. She smiled.

"We've put you on our table." Marina said gently.

"Wise." Isabelle smiled at her sister. Isabelle could see that Marina was clearly worried. "I'm holding things up here. See you later."

Once again her mask slotted into place. Isabelle kept a polite smile on her lips and kept her eyes blank as she made her way toward the table lists and seating arrangement map. When she found her position she slowly made her way toward her table. She could hear the hushed conversation, knew she was the subject of the conversation and knew it was derogatory. It had been the same for months. Not that it became any easier.

Doug, his date for the evening Anne, Ryan, Charlie, Jared and his wife Caitlin had arrived ten minutes earlier. Having found their table they were sitting and chatting with the other two couples at the table. Doug's grandmother had persuaded them to attend, as it was Rafe organising the event and she wanted to show some measure of support. So she had offered to babysit if Ryan, Jared and Doug went with their dates to the event.

It was unfortunate that Isabelle had to make her way past their table to reach her table. As she drew nearer she considered taking the long way round and avoiding them altogether, but it was too late. In any case she should have scanned the room properly before she choose her path. Not that it would have made much difference. Regardless of the route she took to get to her table, she would have had to run the gauntlet at some point. But going the long way round might have spared her this particular gauntlet.

It was Charlie who first spotted Isabelle. Charlie beamed, and called, "Hi Isabelle. Good to see you." She'd been meaning to get in touch for a while now, but with their new baby occupying so much of their time, other elements of life had to take a backseat.

Charlie's comment forced Isabelle to stop. "And you. Hello. " Isabelle addressed the whole table with what she hope was a generic smile that hopefully did not reveal too much. Isabelle glanced ahead hoping she could escape without having to loiter. She doubted whether she would be able to maintain her composure for long, not when she was fully aware of Doug watching her intently. She smiled again, "Anyway, if you'll excuse me, I should get to my table...."

"A hot date?" As soon as the words were out Charlie knew she'd made a mistake. It had been flippant question. Spoken without thinking. As she was prone to do. She didn't need the veiled laughter and amused snorts from people near by to know that she had embarrassed Isabelle. "Sorry, I didn't mean..."

Isabelle swallowed the lump of embarrassment and attempted to bat away the discomfort. "No, it's ok." She kept her voice level, and explained, "I'm on my own."

"Oh. Sorry." Charlie felt like crawling under the table. She was just making things worse. No one came to a dinner dance on their own. Caitlin winced as she empathized with Isabelle's predicament and the fact that Charlie despite her best intentions was making this worse. It was clear that Isabelle was uncomfortable.

"If you'll excuse me." Isabelle said again and once again offered a smile as she began to glide away.

Desperately, Charlie tried to make amends, "Look, I meant to phone you, I wanted to ask you a favour."

"A favour?" Isabelle doubted she could do anyone a favour now. Not with her reputation tarnished.

Charlie nodded as an idea formed in her head. "I wondered if you'd agree to be Aidan's godmother?"

It didn't take Ryan's startled look to know that the invitation was impromptu. Clearly he and Charlie had not discussed Isabelle being godmother. Smiling Isabelle shook her head, "I'm really flattered. And thank you for asking, but I don't think that would be a good idea under the circumstances."

"At least think about it." Charlie implored, ignoring her husband's questioning look.

"Ok." Isabelle nodded, then with a quick look to all at the table she turned and headed toward her own table.

"I guess that is what you call fashionably skinny." Anne said into the silence as they all watched Isabelle's progress to her table. Making her way past Doug and his friends was tough but it was just the start, given the looks and murmurs she heard as she threaded her way to her seat. 

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