Part 97

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Tentatively Isabelle reached through the fly of his boxers, her eyes remained on his as she feigned confidence. In his eyes she saw his reaction instantly, in her hand she felt it more fully. Confidence increased she ran the tip of her tongue over her lips, her eyes on his. Gently she teased the head, teasingly raking a nail across in much the same way he'd treated her nipple. Doug was sure he nearly died.

His knees started to give, so he reached for her shoulders and leaned. Her breath fanned across him. Gently she lowered his boxers. He shucked them off. Her lips pressed gentle teasing kisses along his length. Just tiny, fleeting kisses. But he felt his blood pound. Her tongue flicked out, tracing, teasing. His heart was racing, his blood thundering in his ears. Ok, she was a morning person. Definitely a morning person!

His fingers gripped her shoulders more tightly as Isabelle slowly took him in. Her fingers stroked the sacs, gently brushing, then she released him and bent her lips to take over from her fingers. Her fingers took over from her mouth. Doug nearly came there and then. He threw his head back, panting as he tried not to come. Isabelle was equally determined. She kept her momentum, built it gently. Doug couldn't wait any longer. He toppled her onto the bed, slid down the length of her so that her thighs caressed his rigid length for a fleeting second before he entered her in one stroke and climaxed. He collapsed on top of her. She felt his heart pounding.

"Now that is what I call a wake up." Isabelle whispered in his ear, more than pleased with herself and her competence! Doug groaned albeit with a smile on his lips.

"You are going to kill me if you wake me up like that every morning."

Five minutes later, once he'd worked out how to open his eyes, he grabbed a quick shower. Smiling and whistling in equal measure he went down stairs to make another cup of coffee. The only thing that would make life better was if she agreed to marry him. Time to get that cart moving he thought as he put the kettle on. They were engaged, and for most people the next logical step would be marriage. The trouble was that nothing in this relationship had been logical. That had him grinning. Logic was out of the window.

Some time minutes later, when he returned to the bedroom, he found Isabelle sound asleep! It took him several minutes to rouse her from bed and persuade her that it wasn't too early to get up and have breakfast. Complaining, Isabelle pushed back the bed sheets and clambered out of bed. Muttering she went for a shower. Doug grinned happily as he headed back to the kitchen.

There were things they needed to discuss. Things they had been skirting around for far too long. It was time to put all their cards on the table and start making plans for the future. 

Doug found himself whistling as he got breakfast ready while she was in the shower. He set the table and as he waited for her to come to the kitchen he wondered whether now was a good time to discuss their future. He could hear her in the shower and he wondered if she would want to stay at her house or would move here. Whatever it took, he decided. If it meant he moved, so be it.

Some twenty minutes later Isabelle entered the kitchen. Her hair was towel dried, her face bare of make up and she was wearing what she wore yesterday. And to him she looked beautiful. He smiled. She smiled.

"Grab a seat." As Isabelle approached the breakfast table Doug asked out of the blue, "Could you live here?" There was a lot hinging on that particular question.

"Oh, easily." Isabelle told him breezily, not really understanding the significance of the question. But her answer was honest. "It's beautiful." She said not realizing the significance of the question. "This place is incredible. Your views are incredible. Who couldn't live here?" She asked as she took a seat. The location of his house was prime. Why wouldn't anyone want to live here if they had a choice.

He was tempted to take the coward's way out. Save this conversation for another time. After all things were going well, why rock the boat just yet if she wasn't ready? But then he also knew that he wanted things to be up front and thus far this relationship hinged on an engagement where neither of them had been party to it! He had never proposed, she had never accepted. It had been thrust on them and they had gone along with it. No longer. Trying not to let his nerves show, he looked across at Isabelle. She looked like she was in a good mood! Time to take the risk. He turned back and reached for a mug and with his back to her he said,  "I meant after we get married." Doug decided to go for bluntness.

Silence greeted his statement, so Doug looked up, and at her.

"Married?" Isabelle went completely still, her eyes wide in shock, her mouth open in astonishment.

Doug nodded. He could hear his heart thundering. Knew that so much hinged on her response.

"Married." Isabelle repeated quietly, as if asking it again would make it real. Of course she wanted to be married to him. Of course if she could have any wish, any dream, this is what she'd want. Him. Her. Married.

Not quite the reaction he'd been expecting. But thankfully, that note of shock and caution did not cause Doug to panic. After all, they were engaged, albeit without each others explicit consent. And they had made love, albeit with no strings attached. But what was key to enabling Doug to handle her cautious response was the fact she had told him, albeit unintentionally, that she loved him. 

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