Part 69

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Doug hesitated for a second as he contemplated whether to ask her what was the matter. She looked sad. Of course he knew she looked unwell, but this was different. She looked sad. But after studying her face he decided that she was not going to tell him what had just made her sad. So instead he settled for practicalities.

"He asked me how long you'd been ill. I didn't know. How long have you been feeling like this?"

She shrugged slightly, and tried to shift that melancholic mood that was threatening to take hold. "It's Saturday today?" Isabelle queried, waited for his nod, before she said, "About two days, may be three."

That made Doug frown. For the state of the kitchen suggested no one had been eating or cooking over the last few days.

"I thought it was a cold" She said into the silence.

Doug stepped closer to the bed. "Your kitchen doesn't look like it's been used in the last few days." He told her, hoping she did not take it as a criticism. "Have you had anything to eat recently?"

She shook her head and then wished she hadn't as she felt woosy from the action.

"Are you hungry?" Doug came closer, suddenly concerned by the fact she had rested her head back on the pillow and closed her eyes. "Could you face eating something?" He asked gently when she opened her eyes and found him watching her with open curiousity and concern in his eyes.

"Like what?" Isabelle found herself asking despite not wanting to put him to any inconvenience.

"I'd have to check your stores." Without thinking Doug perched on the bed, and this close he could see she was battling with herself. It was clear she did not want to inconvenience him, and at the same time was hungry. He smiled gently, "My grandmother swears by chicken soup." When he had shown up he hadn't anticipated being nursemaid, cook and washer-upper. But somehow it felt right to be the one looking after her.

Isabelle smiled wanly. "You can make it?" She asked quietly and burrowed deeper under the duvet. Her recovery was clearly a work in progress. For she was tired and had to force her self to stay awake.

"I figured on a tin." Doug replied with a cheeky grin.

She smiled. He smiled. A few seconds elapsed. Time ticked by. Their smiles slowly vanished as each began to wonder about the implications of this moment in time.

Isabelle swallowed and decided that she ought to let him go. He did not owe her anything and he no doubt had a lot of work waiting for him. He should be looking after his business rather than looking after her. "Thank you for staying last night, and for..." She yawned and snuggled against her pillow, "offering to feed me." She had to pause to catch her breath. "But as you can see I am much better." That had his eyebrows lifting in silent challenge. If she thought she was convincing him, she did not know him as well as he thought she did! He waited. She could see that he did not believe her for one second, and she imagined her appearance was not helping her cause. Time to take another angle. She took a shallow breath and then said, "I'm sure you've got things to do."

He nodded. But said nothing. Let her dig herself out of this, he thought and waited to see whether she would make a case for him to leave.

"Please don't feel you have to stay. I'm fine now."

"I'm staying." He told her, understanding where she was going with her little speech.

"There's no need." Her eyes told him he should leave.

"According to you. You need to get some rest." He advised as if he had every right to order her around.

"I can manage." She told him petulantly.

"Yes, I'm sure you can." Doug grinned at her. She might be ill, but seeing her pout was actually rather intriguing. For the woman he had escorted was in control of her emotions and very reluctant to show how she felt. But here, now, she was pouting at him. "Now go to sleep."

"You weren't so bossy when we were engaged." Isabelle murmured, thinking he wouldn't hear her. The man had appeared companionable! Of course being a businessman she should have expected him to be someone used to taking control of situations. But she was not one to be controlled. Even if she was ill.

"Oh, yeah, I was." He said equally quietly.

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