Part 92

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Isabelle arched her hips. Encouragement given in time known fashion. He kept his eyes on her, needing to read her eyes, see her signals and determine his course of action. His fingers parted her, his thumb flicked. She moaned. "Gently." he muttered, "Come on sweetheart. Slow, slow." He slid in, slow, hard. She accommodated. Inch by inch he eased forward. She clenched around him. Then she arched again, reaching. Her nails dug into his shoulders. He pressed, fusing hips, rocking into her. She was tight. Snug around him. Not that she was willing to take the passive route. Instinct had her clenching around him, holding firm. Before gradual, teasing release allowed him to ease out.

Doug found his control wavering as she clenched around him every time he thrust and relaxed in fractions when he eased out. Where had she learnt to do that? Tempo built. Wants overwhelmed caution. Her nails dug into his shoulder. He surged in. Dragging out, feeling the warm wetness around him, who needed an aphrodisiac if she was here. Her nails left puncture marks in his skin. He felt nothing but the tightness around him. He thrust higher and further. Her hands released his shoulders, her nails raked across each vertebra as her fingers played his spine from his nape to his butt.

Doug took her to the edge three times. Three times she felt ready, ready to explode, and each time he brought her slowly back from the edge of that beckoning orgasm before taking her higher, further. He was sweat slicked and she was at whimpering point when he finally gave Isabelle what she was demanding. Her nails dug into his taut butt as he plunged smooth, hard and fast and to the hilt. Isabelle's back arched off the bed, before she curved into him, taking him deeper just before she splintered. The world was a riot of colour, her voice a distant scream as she came. Doug felt each shockwave reverberate through every inch of her and with his lips pressed against the pulse at her neck he kept thrusting until he came.

Hearts hammering, after several minutes he reached for the edge of the duvet and dragged it over the both of them. They lay side by side, slick with perspiration, waiting for their breathing to return to normal, waiting for their hearts to stop racing, waiting for each other to speak. They lay on their backs, staring blindly up at the ceiling, their lips curved into unconscious grins, with only the sounds of their breathing disturbing the silence of the night.

Doug finally found the energy to mutter, "Well." It was then that he realized he was grinning insanely as he revisited the experience. That was a hell of a lot better than he remembered sex to be!

"Well." She murmured and heard the smile in her voice as her body remembered the experience. That was incredibly better than she had ever thought sex could be!

"Why didn't you tell me?" Doug muttered still staring up at the ceiling, his chest still rising and falling as his body replenished his oxygen store.

She didn't pretend, she knew what he was talking about. "What difference would it have made?" She whispered.

"A lot." He told her, "I would have taken a more conventional approach, try to ensure it didn't hurt."

"You were fine." She replied cheekily and nearly laughed. Fine? Extraordinary, yes! Fine was not even an understatement! That had her grinning.

Doug blinked. "Fine?" That had him rolling onto his side to face her, and propping his head on one hand as he levered himself up on his elbow to look at her. The duvet fell off. She heard what sounded like a growl as he questioned, "I was fine?" Was she serious? That was mind blowing! Fine? Who in their right mind would consider what had just happened, fine?

"Yes." Isabelle turned her head sideways, and even that seemed to deplete what little energy she had. She was beyond sated. She was practically boneless.

His eyes caught and held hers, he could see the teasing twinkle in her eyes. Two can play at this he thought as he slowly let his gaze wander to her breast. Her nipple hardened in automatic response. Ok, she acknowledged, so that's where her energy was.

"Fine." Doug queried with mock hurt, and looked into her eyes, knowing she had deliberately used that word. "Fine?" He queried as he kept eye contact and allowed his free hand to cup her breast, his fingers started kneading gently, then deftly flicked the hardened nub, her breath hitched. "What the hell would you call mind blowing?" He muttered as his thumb nail grazed across the hardened peak, she whimpered.

Isabelle chuckled. Albeit with a hitch as his fingers traced her nipple. Ok, obviously teasing an aroused male was not a good idea. Not when it was so easy for him to get even. But then, she liked the way he got even. She grinned at him, and she reached for him with both hands and pulled his head toward her. Open mouthed she caught at his lower lip, nipped gently as her hands pulled him closer, forced him to roll on top of her. They kissed, slowly. Tongues traced each other, brushed gently, coaxed and entreated. Blindly he reached for the edge of the duvet he had recently discarded, and pulled it with him as he rolled them onto his back. Isabelle wasn't sure where her liberating confidence came from, all she knew was that she was enjoying it. She smiled, braced her forearms on either side of his head and she leaned in to kiss him. Gently they nuzzled. Slowly they came up for air. She smiled at him. Powerful. She felt powerful.

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