Part 14

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Doug studied the woman in front of him. She appeared rather unfazed by these events. She simply appeared to take everything in her stride. Surely this wasn't the norm for her!

"And why would she announce her grand daughter's engagement to a man that a, her grand daughter has never met and b, is from a different social strata?" Doug found himself posing the questions that were upper most in his mind. The woman in front of him would not need to go looking for a husband. And he was pretty certain she would be able to find a man within her own social sphere. Why hook up with him?

"I don't know." Isabelle mulled over his two points. She could understand the comment about not meeting him, and after his earlier statement, he clearly had a chip on his shoulder about people he perceived to have money. She looked at him thoughtfully, then a thought registered, "Have you ever met my grandma?"

"Haven't had that somewhat dubious pleasure. Why?"

"Well, given that you are attractive," His eyes widened at that. Shock hit him. Was she sight impaired? But she wasn't paying attention to his reaction. She let her eyes take in his clothes, "and wealthy," She met his amused albeit bemused eyes, "if she had met you, she might have figured we'd produce attractive, well provided for and well connected, great grandkids!" Isabelle stated with absolutely no measure of diplomacy. For some unfathomable reason she was determined to unnerve him. He seemed far too in control, and far too composed. While he had enjoyed destabilizing her base, she thought it only fair that she return the favour.

"And that doesn't bother you? Your grandmother husband hunting?" He was startled. She thought he was good looking. Hadn't she noticed the scars? Was she blind? The fact she considered him attractive came as a complete shock.

"I haven't had a chance to think about it. But my grandma knows I'm not likely to get married." She told him candidly. Years ago she had seen herself married, with children and a close family. How much had changed in a short time.

That surprised him. "Really?" He found himself asking the question before it even registered. "Why?"

"I don't think that is any of your concern." Came the cool, haughty reply. And for some strange reason her very haughtiness seemed to suddenly appeal to him.


He sounded sincere, so she accepted his words, and got to her feet, "I will contact my grandmother this afternoon. How do I contact you to let you know what's going on?"

He retrieved his card and handed it to her "Email is probably best, but I should be able to take calls today."

Isabelle read the card, it had a telephone, mobile phone, fax and email along with his name and the name of the company.

"H2O?" She had shares in H2O. She probably owned about ten percent of the company. She had bought them quite early on and had held on, seeing their share price rise and rise. She thought they still had a way to go before they leveled off.

"I could make the obvious statement, but I'll let it ride. It started as an internet company, its now an e media company."

She knew that, but she let him believe she was ignorant of the fact.

"We are a small company, my brother, best mate and I set it up about 10 years ago, we now have offices in Wellington, Christchurch and Auckland. Looking to branch out, if we can persuade a couple of, well, I won't bore you with details."

Perhaps she should buy a few more shares, if he was thinking of expanding. Insider information was always valuable.

They reached the front door. "That's very impressive, Mr Hawke."

"Hawke or Doug. After all, we are engaged."

She smiled slowly, "I am sorry for the trouble caused. I will try to resolve it as soon as I can. Thank you for being so reasonable about it all."

"I'll wait to hear from you."

She opened the door and nodded as she replied, "Yes, I'll give you a call later."

He stepped through the doorway, "Ok. Fine." Then with a brief nod, he turned and made his way down the three steps to the gravel -lined driveway.

Isabelle watched him as he walked toward his car. She enjoyed the rear view as much as she had enjoyed facing him! As he climbed into his car, she wondered why her world was suddenly a brighter place.

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