Part 88

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The following Friday, Doug and Isabelle ate out at a local restaurant with the rest of Doug's extended family. They had met to discuss what they had each discovered and what they needed to do for the company. The buying spree appeared to have ground to a halt. Isabelle had not made any of her shares available so Doug and Jared still had control of the company. But what they didn't know was whether the buyer was biding his time. Ryan was spending every spare moment trying to track down who was behind this attempt at a take over, Ailsa was determined to buy back her shares and Isabelle was putting what she knew into shoring up Doug and Jared's position. The meeting was less fraught then the last time they had all met, for now they thought they might just be able to hang on to the company.

After dinner Doug drove Isabelle back to her house. It would be an early night given it had only just turned eleven. He knew she wasn't on call that evening, so when she invited him in for coffee he accepted. Time to move things along, he thought.

They stepped in through the open front door. His plans for the evening included a lot more than coffee.


At the sound of her abbreviated name and hearing the question in the one word Isabelle turned to face him. He took a step closer, reached forward and Doug tenderly cupped her head. Isabelle's eyes reflected the smile in her eyes. His eyes darkened as his thumbs stroked her cheeks. Doug held her face so that they looked directly at each other and with the heat in his eyes confirming his words he said softly, "I want you."

"I know." She nodded.


His words had her blinking. Isabelle hoped it meant what she thought it meant. Her lips formed a smile. "About time." She mumbled teasingly.

Doug laughed, "Right then!" And with that he picked her up, swung her into his arms and using his heel he kicked the door shut behind him. Within seconds he started for the stairs.

"I can walk." Isabelle giggled, and promptly laced her arms around his neck hoping he would continue to carry her despite her lack-lustre protest.

"No, you'll need your energy." Doug advised her with a grin. She was a lightweight. But he took care as he took the stairs. No point being chivalrous if you were going to make a hash of it and tumble down the stairs.

Isabelle happily snuggled closer and held on tight as he navigated the stairs. His arms tightened around her. When they reached her room he flicked the lights on with his elbow then strode for the bed.

Gently Doug placed her on the bed. Isabelle shuffled back as she sat on the bed. Doug knelt at her bedside and began to slide off her shoes. His eyes made contact with hers. She gulped. Ok, this is what she had been waiting for. But the anticipation was more than she had ever expected. Now that the moment had arrived she had butterflies fluttering in her stomach and her heart was racing. She was pretty sure it was in anticipation rather than panic. He discarded her shoes and then returned to her feet. She was tempted to giggle nervously, which really was not the right thing she decided. But all thoughts centering on giggling vanished when his fingers gently caressed her silk covered foot, stroking up to her ankle, ghosting the material against her skin. His thumb teased ever increasing circles just above her silk covered ankle. Isabelle exhaled slowly and she hoped quietly. But clearly not quietly enough for his gaze lifted and made eye contact with her eyes. Isabelle gulped. Doug smiled. Perfect he thought when he saw her reaction.

With his eyes holding hers, Doug's hands simultaneously and gently stroked their way along her silk covered legs. He took his time. Slow. Gently abrasive, using the silk to stimulate her skin he eased his fingers from ankle to knee. His hands crept beneath her skirt as his fingers caressed her from knee to hip. Slowly inching up. His eyes remained trained on hers as his fingers though simply stroking caused her nerve endings to run amok. Eventually, when she was practically boneless his fingers reached the top of her hips. His finger inched beneath the waistband of her silk tights and teased suggestively at the skin below. Her breath hitched. Her heart stalled. She practically fainted on the spot. Then she reminded herself that she could not do that as he tended to associate her breathlessness with being in ill-health! So instead she ran her tongue over her lower lip and tried to remain conscious. Doug's gaze heated.

Slowly Doug leaned toward her. Their eyes locked on each other. Until his lips hovered just above hers. Her eyelashes fluttered and her eyes closed. Isabelle laced her hands around his neck, sucked in a breath and held on for the ride. He covered that fraction of a breath and then his lips rested for a second on hers. Tenderly, he kissed her. A kiss that hinted at what was to come.

His tongue traced her lips. A light ghost of a sensation. But enough to have Isabelle's blood pressure racing. Her heart thumped. A few seconds later, unhurriedly Doug inched away and waited for her to open her eyes. Her pupils were dilated. Satisfied with his progress he lowered his head and began planting kisses along her jaw line, inching slowly as his tongue traced her skin. Tasting every inch as if it was nectar from the Gods.

Doug took his time. He spread kisses over her eyelids and her now closed eyes. He kissed along her cheekbones, across to her ears, down and over her neck, paying particular attention to the hammering pulse at her jaw before slowly making his way back to her lips. 

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