chapter seven

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Serenity Morales

Waking up, I felt something heavy draped over me. I would have assumed that it was a heavy woolen blanket but due to the fact that I could literally feel something clung to me ruined my speculations. I panicked—did someone break into my room?

And that's when I remembered that I stayed over at Justin's house and the only logical explanation was that he was on me.


On me.

I was still a little sleepy and groggy and I wasn't sure what to do. I opened my eyes, realizing that I was molded into his body. We were literally spooning.

I was spooning with the biggest asshole I had ever met. But let's not forget the guy who actually listened to me last night.

I let out a small yawn, deciding not to wake him. But as I tried to move, his grip on me tightened and I was pulled more into his body. Great. Just great.

"Don't go," I heard Justin's struggled, raspy voice say. I felt my heartbeat speed up, did he mean what he said?

I slowly turned my face to look at him but he wasn't looking back at me. His eyes were shut and his lips parted slightly as he slept peacefully. He looked rather innocent, far different than how he looked when he was awake. Awake he looked dangerous and let's not forget hot, but asleep he looked peaceful and serene. Like you wanted to kiss his nose and do all of the other sappy things you saw in movies.

I didn't know whether I felt relieved or disappointed that he said that in his sleep. If he wasn't aware, who was he thinking about?

I unwrapped his arms from around me, climbing out of the bed quietly. I made my way into the bathroom and stripped myself of my clothes and hopped into the shower after brushing my teeth. I was humming and had to have been in about there a half an hour until I heard the door open. I jumped a little, consciously feeling the need to cover my body. I'm so stupid, I forgot to lock the door.

"Um it's occupied," I squeaked a little uncomfortable, peeking my head out but hid the rest of my body behind the shower curtain.

I met Justin's tired eyes and messy bed head. I tried not to drool.

"Well, I have to take a piss and you're taking too long," he grumbled, obviously not being a morning person.

I huffed, peeking my head back in and ignoring the sound of him actually using the bathroom. I continued washing my body, a little conscious that I was naked and with just one tug, he could be looking at my naked body.

"Nice underwear by the way," he chuckled making my cheeks set on fire. "Never knew you were one for lace."

He was certainly a morning person now.

"Get out of here, Justin," I mumbled, chewing on my inner cheek.

"Hm," I heard him hum. It was silent but I knew he was still in the bathroom. And just like that, he hit the curtain making me jump and scream. I heard him start laughing as I felt myself heat up in embarrassment.

"Fuck you," I growled.

"Let me join you in the shower and I will, baby," I heard the cockiness and not to mention the smirk in his voice that I so desperately wanted to smack off.

"Fuck off, Justin and get out."

He gripped the curtain again.

"Still waiting for that strip tease you never gave me," he sighed out and I wanted to punch him. My skin was starting to prune up.

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