chapter thirty three

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Serenity's POV

After trying to convince Justin multiple times that he wasn't talking about that, he still didn't believe me. I knew Gray was just trying to get to him, that's the way he was. Gray was that person who always felt like he had to be liked and if he wasn't liked, he just didn't understand. I knew Justin hurt his feelings, he could be so mean sometimes.

I felt bad, upset even at Justin's behavior tonight. But there was no use in ridiculing him about it, he wouldn't change. I knew he was both jealous and insecure but I figured maybe, having the two in separate circles was for the best. The last thing I needed was anymore fighting and hate in my life. At this point all I wanted was peace and quiet.

My phone began to go off. It was a text message, a text from Gray. I looked over at Justin who was driving. He wasn't looking at me so I just looked back at my phone.

'Sorry about tonight. I hope I didn't cause a problem between you two,' The text read.

I shook my head to myself before replying, 'It's fine, you're not the one who has to apologize. I would just like to apologize for his attitude. I know you didn't mean any harm.'

We hadn't really spoken once we got in the car. We had a brief argument as we walked through the mall and to the car. I didn't know what he was thinking and I don't think I really wanted to. I could tell by his stiff posture that he was still pissed off. The last thing I wanted to do was set him off and start another argument.

"You're coming home with me or are you going to your house?" He asked, clearing his throat.

I thought for a minute. "I don't know. What do you want?"

He raised an eyebrow. "You already know what I'm going to say."

I shrugged. "I don't know. I just thought you might still be mad at me."

He sighed. "Baby, I'm not mad at you."

"Well, I sure as hell am mad at you but I'm too tired to talk about it today," I remarked before resting my eyes.

He sighed. "Is he going to get the cold shoulder too at least?"

"Do you think he was as mean as you were tonight?" I rolled my already closed eyes. "And as I said, I don't want to talk about it. I'm tired."

"Like tired of me tired or sleepy?"

"A little mix of both."

I felt his fingers slip through mine and I pulled it away. "You don't have to be so cold."

"My exact thoughts about your behavior tonight."

"Are you sure you don't want to talk about it?"


"No you don't want to talk about it or no you're not sure?"

My eyes snapped open. "Justin, seriously?"


I closed my eyes again and allowed the car to be engulfed in silence. I even ignored my phone when it vibrated. I felt myself dozing off a little before the car stopped. Before I could even attempt to open the car door, I was scooped up and carried.

I snuggled into his chest. "What are you doing?"

"Making sure you're extra comfortable because I know how tired you are."

"If you even think this'll make me yell at you less tomorrow," I yawned.

"It's worth a shot."

He laid me in the bed and kissed my head softly.

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