chapter thirty nine

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Justin's POV

I watched as she finally shut her eyes and her head fell to the side. I felt murderous. I was going to fucking murder each and every one of them and take pleasure in doing so. I hated seeing her look so weak and defenseless. This was my fucking fault. She shouldn't have been here right now about to go through this.

She wouldn't.

I wouldn't fucking allow it. I would have to be dead and cold before I let him win. He already touched her. But I would be fucking damned if he did anything more physically scarring to her. She had been through enough emotional trauma to last a life time. Some from before she met me, but even more after she met me. I wouldn't be surprised if she wanted nothing to do with me ever again when we got out of this. If we got out of this.

I couldn't believe someone I considered my best friend was stood in the other room and did nothing to help me. After all Daniel and I had been though I never thought he'd go behind enemy lines and fuck me over this hard. Especially not for a fucking girl. He was so worried about me losing focus because of Serenity when he never had focus to begin with. He never cared about me. He just wanted what I could give to him for the time being.

I hated to admit it, but reality hurt like a fucking bitch.

Brayden had a gun pointed at my head. Cole didn't look armed but I know he had a while group of hussies waiting for any signs of commotion for them to intervene. Now they had guns way more lethal than the one Brayden was holding to my head.

I didn't want to accept what was happening. I couldn't just give up and allow him to—to—I couldn't even fucking say it. And I sure as hell wasn't witnessing it. If I was going to die, I'd at least die trying. I couldn't just give up and stand here. I had to try my best to protect her.

Through the side of my eye, I saw Brayden's eyes heavily invested on the scene in front of him. He was sick in the head if this was what got him off. I decided my next move and I couldn't hesitate.

I gripped Brayden's arm that the gun was in and bended it back with as much force as I could. He yelped as I heard a sickening crack and fell to the floor, the gun clattering to the floor. I quickly picked it up and without hesitation, I fired. Not one, not twice, but three times at Brayden's defenseless body. I didn't feel remorse, I didn't feel anything.

The only emotion I felt was disdain for the blood that got on my clothing and face.

My eyes fell on Cole and he looked down before he tutted. "You know I never really liked him. He was a pig."

"I guess he learned from the best then, huh?" I asked. "Yet again, looks like I have the advantage here except this time I'm going to make sure you die. I'm going to watch the life leave your eyes and I'm going to find pleasure in it."

He chuckled. "And you think if you kill me you'll make it out alive? And with her? Let's be real here. I have men out there who are waiting to put a bullet through your head. Your best friend is one of them. "

"I don't give a fuck whether I live or die but if I die, I'm taking you with me." I walked up to him and gripped him tightly by his upper arm. I placed the barrel under his neck.

"There is no way in hell you're surviving this shot."

"Do your worst," Cole said, his eyes on mine. I cocked the safety back before releasing the trigger. The gun clicked but no bullets came out. "It was a safety precaution, you see. I knew, knowing you that if you got the gun you would go for an overkill because that's just the type of person you are. You just don't know when to stop. Now it's your time to die."

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