chapter thirty eight

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Serenity's POV

Jada stood up and walked over to him. "Baby, I missed you."

"So you mean to tell me no one was guarding the front door this whole time?" Cole asked in annoyance. "Why are you all fucking idiots?"

Some people scrambled about meanwhile he just stood there.

"You knew?" Justin asked Daniel. "You preached to me about loyalty and you fuck me over?"

"What?" Daniel scrunched his face up. "I didn't fuck anyone over. Why are you both tied up and why the fuck is he still alive?"

"We have a proposition for you, baby," she said making him look down at her. She continued to rub his arm. "Join our side."

Daniel's eyes moved between the both us long and hard.

"C'mon! You can't actually be thinking about this," she said in exasperation. "You love me. I love you. We'll make a better team than you ever made with them. They don't appreciate you the way I do. They take advantage of you. They use you and they disrespect you. Especially him."

"You're right," Daniel nodded his head in agreement.

"Your life would be so much better if they both were dead. Don't you agree?"

He nodded yet again before cracking his knuckles. "So how are we going to do this?"

I was in complete and utter shock. Daniel was going to help kill us? I couldn't even begin to think what was going through Justin's head. That was his own best friend and he was turning against him just like everyone else had. Our one chance of survival didn't even want us alive.

"Show your loyalty by beating him until he passes out," Cole chuckled. "I would say kill him but you can leave that to me."

Daniel walked up to Justin with heavy steps. Without remorse or hesitation, he had his go at him. I screamed for Daniel to stop as Justin sat there defenseless and with his arms tied as Daniel kicked and punched his body. He eventually stopped and Justin's body was slack in the chair with his head dipped and bruised and cuts all over his face.

I couldn't stop myself from crying. "Fuck you, Daniel! Fuck you!" I screamed as tears poured down my face. "Justin, please wake up. Please. I'm right here and I'm not leaving you but please wake up."

"You shouldn't make promises you can't keep, Serenity," Daniel said.

"Don't fucking talk to me," I hissed. "Fuck you. How could you do this to your best friend?"

A groan resounded in the room. We all looked at Justin but it hadn't come from him.

Another moan in pain caused me to twist my head to the side. I found myself looking at Gray starting to wake up. I let out a breath in relief. He was alive.

"I thought for certain he was dead," Jada said with a frown. "Oh, well."

"We might as well just leave them here. There's no fun in hurting her if he's not awake," Cole said. "Let's get something to eat. Do you guys want something? Oh wait," he chuckled to himself.

Jada snorted. "It's not like this one eats anyway. All she does is starve herself." She looked at me in disgust. "And she could at least do a better job at it."

I looked down, ashamed. My whole secret had been exposed to the entire room and I felt like crying. I made eye contact with Daniel and he looked at me with just the tiniest ounce of remorse before it was gone.

"Yeah let's go. I'll leave someone to guard the front door."

When they exited, I quickly turned in my chair to Gray. He was groaning in pain but still hadn't opened his eyes.

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