chapter eighteen - Serenity's POV

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Serenity Morales

It was Saturday and I knew Justin would be coming over any minute. We settled at dinner at seven, but I honestly felt like I was going to throw up I was so nervous. I didn't want my parents not to like Justin and I didn't want Justin to see how crazy my parents were. I really didn't want them to say anything embarrassing that he could hold against me. And it wouldn't only be just Justin, and my parents and I, it was also Marissa. Knowing she was dying to meet him, I don't know what she'll do. What if she tries to sleep with him and they end up together? Why am I even thinking about this? I shouldn't care but I wouldn't want my friend dating my sister.

Nervousness coursed through every fiber of my being. My hair was curly and I was wearing makeup because I didn't want to look ugly compared to my gorgeous older sister. I didn't want his eyes lingering on her longer than they did on me. Let's face it. Marissa was drop dead gorgeous and I was not. I was okay looking, but she was beautiful. She got it from my mother. In fact, we both looked like my mother, I just wasn't nearly her potential. My mother was beautiful as well, in fact she could go for our sister if you didn't count her worry lines and few wrinkles that were coming about.

I was wearing a dress as well, only because I knew that both my mother and Marissa were wearing one. The dress was a white, thin and sleeveless babydoll dress so I put on a cardigan to warm myself up a little. My lips were glossed and I had on mascara and eyeliner because to me, eyes are important. I was sporting it with my favorite wedges and I guessed I liked how I look.

Hearing the doorbell ring my heart hammered. He was here. And oh, God, no, I was upstairs and I didn't know who would answer the door. Before I could even take two steps I heard the front door open and I gulped before continuing on my way. I peeked from at the top of the steps and I could tell it was my mother who had opened it. I couldn't hear what was being said, but whatever it was my mother let out a laugh and let the person in. And of course that person was Justin.

Before I could even take a step, Marissa brushed in front of me. I gripped onto the railing making sure I didn't miss my step. I glared at her head that was straight and she glanced back at me with a smirk and winked before continuing on her way down the steps.


I was walking downstairs and when my eyes landed on Justin, my heart started pounding. He didn't look bad at all. In fact, he kind of shocked me. His hair wasn't wild, messy and unruly like it usually was. It was tamed. He ditched the chains, but his gold watch glimmered on his arm. He was wearing a white T-shirt, which for some reason I liked on him as well as a leather jacket and beige-like cargo pants as well. I couldn't stop staring. He was beautiful.

When his eyes landed on me I immediately felt self-conscious but tried not to show it. I looked away before I blush, desperately wanting to reach them before I did something stupid such as trip.

"Hi," I mumbled awkwardly, breaking up the conversation between my mom and Justin. He was already looking at me but she continued blabbing on and on.

"Hi," he said back just as awkwardly, smiling at me.

I moved to his side. "Mom, this is Justin as you probably already know and Justin, this is my mom."

She nodded. "Come introduce him to your father and sister."

She walked off and I sighed, signaling for Justin to follow. I felt him lean in closer. "You look nice," he murmured in my ear and I heat up. He pulled back by the time my mother turned around to make sure we were still following. His hand brushed against mine as we walked.

"You do too," I whispered back nervously before tucking my hands behind me. I cleared my throat. "Dad. Marissa. This is Justin."

They both stopped during their conversation and looked at him. Marissa's eyes moved down him as though he were a piece of meat and I scowled. My dad smiled on the other hand and Justin seemed to be clueless to Marissa's desperation. He went up to my father and shook his hand firmly.

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