chapter twenty four

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Serenity's POV

Everyone gathered in the kitchen while Jada sat in the living room alone. I wasn't sure what the story was with Daniel's ex, all I remember anyone ever saying is that she fucked him over. Everyone seemed confused as to what she was doing here, neutral reactions at first. Of course they did the usual, smiled when they saw her, but as soon as they all excused themselves into the kitchen, discussion after discussion broke out.

"What is she doing here?" I heard Blue hiss.

Korina and I seemed to be the only people who didn't know, or have an opinion on Jada being here. I hadn't really talked to her, but she didn't seem to rub me the wrong way. I didn't know what happened between her and Daniel, but either way I felt like it was none of my business. I was going to try my best to give this girl the benefit of the doubt unless she was rude to me or killed one Daniel's friends or family members—which I highly doubted.

"Why is that a problem?" Korina asked in the same, similar confusion that I shared. "Maybe she just misses him."

"Misses him? That girl doesn't have a caring bone in her body," Avery snorted. "She cheated on him every chance she got, do you know how hard it was to convince him to breakup with her?"

She cheated on Daniel? I peered through the small window that allowed me to see into the living room. She sat on the couch with her hands folded in her lap, as she awaited the rival of anyone. Daniel wasn't home yet and no one seemed to really want to talk to her.

"It did take a shit load of convincing," Lucas agreed. "He loves this girl, like really fucking loves her. They've known one another since they were kids."

I couldn't help, but feel a little pity for Daniel. Even though we had an altercation that other day, that didn't change the fact that I felt for him.

"And I don't fucking know why," Justin rolled his eyes, adding in.

"Isn't he—isn't he with Celia?" I asked but no one seemed to hear me.

"And I don't understand what was the point of coming back after all this time. She should've just stayed gone, he was doing much better without her," Blue added angrily.

"Did you guys not like her?" Korina asked.

"We liked her. We respected her too. She was Daniel's girl, of course we did," Lucas shrugged.

"Once she fucked him over, she fucked all of us over. It was just like a big fuck you to everything we've ever done for her," Blue added, a begrudging look on her face.

"Plus, it's not like she wanted to talk to us anymore after they broke up. She acted like we didn't even exist," Avery shook his head.

"She blames us, but she's the one who cheated on him in the first place," Lucas continued.

"Where is Daniel?" I asked.

"Out, wherever he is. I say we get rid of her before he comes home and sees her here." Blue jabbed towards the living room with her thumb.

"There's no way he'd get back together with her, right?" Korina asked.

They all sent her grave looks.

"There's a high chance that he will take her back. She's his Achilles heel," Justin muttered.

I frowned a little. "How do you suppose we get rid of her?"

"I don't know, but Daniel will be home any minute now. We have to be quick," Blue said.

She led her way into the living room and the others followed except Korina and myself.

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