chapter seventeen

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Serenity Morales

I was left to think about Justin the whole night. I waited for a text or a phone call but got nothing. I was left clueless. What if he hurt someone when I left? Or worse, what if he hurt himself? I don't know what time I fell asleep, but it was after three in the morning. I just rolled over and let myself fall asleep even though my mind was very much awake.

When I did wake up I felt awfully rested. Looking at my alarm clock next to me slowly, I realized that it was eleven in the afternoon. I groaned. It was only Thursday, I missed another day of school. I didn't even hear my alarm clock go off. Glancing at my phone, I noted the calls from Korina asking where I was. I'm guessing she came to pick me up. I felt bad, but she told me she was gonna let me sleep in after what happened yesterday. 

I sighed, not a single text or even a call from Justin. I tried to block him out of my mind. I didn't need to start feeling bad again so I got ready. The house was quiet because no one was home and I absolutely loved it. It was peaceful and calming. I decided that I would just lay in the living room and watch TV on the flatscreen that I never really used. I preferred to be in my room, alone. 

Laying on the couch, I brought the blanket up to my chin, tucking my legs under myself. I was flipping mindlessly through the channels before deciding to settle on watching Grease. I yawned, deciding that this would be a good lazy day. I was wearing sweats, a pullover as well as my hair being in a ponytail. I was dressed extremely comfortably for the cold weather. 

Hearing a knock on the door, I groaned. I really didn't want to get out of my position so I decided to ignore it. I had no idea who would be here at one, almost two in the afternoon. Probably one of the neighbors or something. 

But as the knocking persisted, I let out a sharp huff before climbing off the couch and nearly stomping to the door. I probably should have looked through the peephole but I was so annoyed that I ripped the door open. My eyes landed on Justin standing there, leaning against the door frame. In his hand was a single yellow rose, his face holding no emotion but his eyes looking at me softly. 

"May I come in?" He asked me, his voice calm, being the first to speak up. 

"What are you doing here?" I asked in confusion. 

"May I come in?" He repeated, but still looked calm. I didn't reply, just moved to the side and he slowly walked in. I shut the door behind him and his eyes moved around the house. "Cute," he mumbled. 

I hugged myself. "What are you doing here?" I asked again.

His eyes finally looked at me again, turning to face me. "You didn't go to school today," he stated. "Why?"

"Rough night, couldn't sleep," I cleared my throat and he nodded. 

"I'm here for you," he murmured, toying with the rose in his hand. He walked towards me. "Here."

I hesitantly took the rose and I looked down it. Even though yellow wasn't my favorite color, this is so beautiful. Including the gesture. 

He cleared his throat. "The yellow rose means sorry and that I am."

I smiled. "No boy has ever given me a flower before," I said without realizing how pathetic I probably sounded. My cheeks heated up. "Thank you. This is sweet."

"Do you accept my apology?" He asked and I nodded even though I was a little hesitant. He threw a knife at me for crying out loud. He was unpredictable. Should I really be accepting his apology so quickly?

"I-I think. I'm just not sure. You scared me, Justin," I mumbled, looking at my feet. 

"I know and I'm sorry," he frowned. "I don't want you scared of me."

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