chapter twenty

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Serenity Morales

"You said to come alone? Well I'm here where the fuck are you?" I heard a voice shout from downstairs. He sounded angry and I all too well knew that voice as Justin. Tears welled in my eyes. I didn't know whether I wanted him here or not. I knew we were both dead in a matter of minutes especially if he's here alone.

Cole looked at me, a devious look on his face.

"P-Please don't hurt him," I nearly sobbed and he started chuckling. I could barely breathe at the thought that this would be my last time seeing Justin. If I even got to see him at all.

He went over to the door, pulling it open. "Bring him in here boys," he sounded so content and quite honestly it made me sick to my stomach.

"Get the fuck off of me," he growled, his body being shoved in the room. When my eyes landed on him, my throat ran dry. When he finally looked at me, I swear my heart fell out of my chest. One of the guys had a chair and shoved Justin to sit down on in. His eyes turned angry and he looked at Cole. "What the fuck did you do to her?"

"What didn't I do to her," Cole sighed dreamily. What a damn liar.

"Did you fucking touch her? I'll kill you—" He was shoved back down into the seat again by the two guys standing behind him.

"Actually, I decided to save that part for when you got here," he licked his lips, his eyes moving down my half exposed body.

"J-Justin," I stammered, wanting to cry my eyes out.

"Don't fucking touch her you son of a bitch—" Justin made a noise in pain when he punched across the face.

"Stop!" I screamed.

"Untie her." Carter came over to me and began to untie my arms and legs. When he was done, Cole came over to me and yanked me up, my pants completely off now as I stood there feeling lost. I began fighting against him but he placed that same knife up against my throat. Slowly it moved down to the top of my shirt and slit down, not cutting me but my shirt was sliced open.

"Do you see this?" He asked Justin, gesturing to me in just my underwear and bra, exposed to all of these guys in the room. I could feel all of their eyes looking at me. I just wanted to disappear. "You'll never get to see this again." My lip quivered as he groped my chest.

"Don't fucking touch her just wait till I get my fucking hands on you." He groped my chest as Brayden had done earlier and squeezed my ass as I bit my lip so hard that I was beginning to taste blood. "Serenity, it's okay to fight back."

"Don't tell her that shit. She fights back and I slit her throat right now." He grabbed me by my hair, turning me around to face Justin before he forcibly slammed me to my knees. I screamed in pain but his grip on my hair tightened. "Look at her. So innocent and pure." He shoved me to the floor and I hit my head on impact, groaning.

"Man, fuck you. You have a problem with me, fine. But leave her out of this, she has nothing to do with with us," Justin said as I struggled to pull myself up. "Leave her the fuck alone."

Cole went up to Justin and punched him right in the stomach.


Then he punched him in the face. I looked around, my eyes landing on the unguarded door. I took a deep breath before bolting but I was grabbed by my waist.

"Where do you think you're going, little lady?" Brayden murmured in my ear, his breathing down my neck. I was fighting against him and Cole's cold eyes sharply looked at me.

"Did you actually think you could run? That you'd actually go far?" He yanked me to him. I felt him push me over and I fell on the bed. "I'm going to fucking enjoy this."

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