chapter eight

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Serenity Morales

After a long stressful day and a long boring week of being cooped up it was finally Friday. My parents (well my mom) didn't unground me. My father was always the more lenient type, unlike my mother. I've basically went to school with Justin then got dropped off everyday. Our chats weren't anything special or extravagant. I spent my days with Korina at school but it was boring when you were at home with no way of contacting anyone else. This week had went by painfully slow.

Justin had dropped me off earlier and I was in my room on my laptop. I was on Facebook dwelling in the lavish social life of my classmates. The social life I didn't have. I had to admit sometimes I did feel like a loser, but it's not like I couldn't go to these parties I just chose not to.

All of these girls were experiencing love and hooking up and I hadn't been touched in one year and kissed in three. Charlie and I, the douchebag who broke up with me because I wouldn't sleep with him after a month, never reached the kissing stage. Sure he attempted to kiss me, but I was only dating him because he was my dad's bosses son and our families just thought we would go great together. Oh, how they couldn't be anymore wrong. Touch, the only touch he gave me was a hug, if that even counts.

I wanted to experience love. Something beautiful and wonderful. But instead of meeting boys at parties, I hated them with a passion. Boys didn't come up to me at school or on the streets. I didn't know what I was doing wrong, but boys just did not like me.

Before I started nitpicking things about myself, I shut my laptop and took a breath. I closed my eyes briefly before falling back on the bed with my face in my hands.

I jumped a little when I heard something hit my window. I sat up, messy hair and all as I listened for it again. As the noise proceeded again, I went to my window. Pulling it open, I peered out into the darkness. I squinted. "Justin?"

"Finally!" He exclaimed. "I've been here for the past five minutes."

"Are you throwing rocks at my window?" I smirked, beginning to laugh at how absurd he was being.

"Pebbles," he clarified.

"What are you doing here?" I asked him, a little curious. Okay, maybe a lot.

"Are you up for sneaking out?" He asked me.

Sneaking out?

"I don't think so..." I trailed off a little. I was doing well and if my parents found out I was out that would only elongate my sentence.

"And you told me you weren't a goody goody," he scoffed, tempting me.

"I know what you're doing and fuck off, Justin. I'm not sneaking out."

"Fine," he shrugged. He walked away. I shut the window behind me. My parents weren't home yet but I still wasn't taking any chances.

The next I heard the doorbell ring. I trotted down the steps, opening the door without a single thought and I was thrown over someone's shoulder in seconds. I gasped as they shut the front door and we walked off to their familiar car. The cool night air hit me, considering I wasn't dressed to be outside. I was wearing my sleeping shorts with a thin pullover and flimsy tank top underneath.

I groaned, hitting at his back. "Fuck you, Justin."

Why did he want me to come with him so badly anyway?

I squealed as he slapped my ass, squeezing it a little. "Don't be a bad girl unless I tell you to."

I scoffed. "You don't own me."

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