chapter thirty two

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Serenity's POV

"Are you fucking kidding me?"

I held my head in my hands as Justin paced back and forth. With that movement, I felt my bracelet move down my arm a little which probably added more fuel to the fire.

The moment Justin saw that bracelet on my arm, he started questioning me. I figured that lying would do me no good and I should just tell the truth. I learned that it didn't matter whether I lied or told the truth, Justin was going to get pissed. This was a lose-lose situation either way.

"I don't want to argue," I said firmly.

We had been arguing a lot lately. Hell, it felt like ever since we got into a relationship we had been arguing even more.

"You should've thought about that before you accepted it," he snarled.
I scoffed. "So I was just supposed to say no and give it back? It's my birthday gift, Justin. It's not like he's proposing to me."

"Well he might as well be," he spat. "There are a lot of things that count as a friendly gift and that is not one of them. Why don't you see what he's doing? He's trying to swoop you off of your feet and he seems to be doing a damn good job at it."

"Stop being stupid. He is just my friend and you're just overreacting."

"I'm being stupid?" He snorted. "I think you need to remind him that he's just your friend because as your boyfriend it's my job to get you expensive gifts, not his."

"It's not your job to get me expensive gifts," I frowned.

"I want to spoil you, Serenity," he muttered, looking away. "I got you your gift but now I feel like it's not good enough."

My frowned deepened. "Of course it's good enough."

He shook his head. "I definitely don't want to give it to you simply because it's jewelry."

My eyes narrowed at him as I sent him a 'really' look.

"Do you want to be with me, Serenity?"

I felt confused. "What?"

He sighed. "It's not a difficult question. Just give me a yes or no answer. Do you want to be with me?"

"Of course I do." There wasn't a doubt in my mind.

"Well it doesn't fucking feel like it. I don't think you realize how much shit is really hitting the fan now that he's back." Before I could say anything else, he spoke up again. "I had Lucas do a background check. There has been no activity of Gray for the past four years. It's like he just disappeared off the face of the earth and suddenly reappeared last week. Do you know how difficult it is to live off the grid like that? He's not telling you something, Serenity and whatever he's involved in is obviously no good. I think it's best if you stayed away."

His words didn't register in my head at first. I sat on the edge of his bed, letting it all hit me before I stood up with angry eyes.

"You fucking did a background check on him?" I was screaming. I was past angry at this point. I was fucking furious.

He clenched his jaw. "Yes."

"That's—That's crossing a line. How dare you?"

"It's for your safety," he said. I could sense he was trying to remain calm but he was having a very difficult time containing his anger.

"My safety? Cole is fucking dead already, Justin. I am safe. I've been safe all this time. Why didn't you do a background check on Jada when she came back? Why didn't you care about my safety then? What makes it so different?"

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