chapter fifteen

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Serenity Morales

I tried and I failed. I tried to stop thinking about Justin kissing me, but it was so hard. All I could think about the entire weekend was how soft his lips were and my knees felt like jello. I didn't know why I felt this way, hell I didn't even know why he kissed me, but I felt confused. 

His kiss was hard yet soft. His lips are a paradox or contradiction. He didn't let go of me as he kissed me. I wasn't even sure if I kissed back.

After he kissed me, he pulled back and looked at me one last time before slowly backing away. I scurried inside of the house after he was beginning to drive away. Scurried? More like bolted and I was breathing so very heavily. He did say goodnight but I couldn't talk. 

Why did he have to kiss me?

I wasn't even sure if he was picking me up today. I wasn't sure whether I should call Korina or walk but honestly, walking wasn't in my best interest. One, I was lazy and two, after what happened with Justin the other day I don't think I should. I was lucky to have had him there then but if it was Cole and Carter against me I was more than sure that I was dead before I could even blink. Even if just one of them caught me alone it was guaranteed death. 

I jumped a little, glancing down at my phone. I swallowed, it was a text from Justin saying that he couldn't take me to school and to go with Korina who'd be outside any minute. He didn't leave out that he would be picking me up after school. I let out a loud sigh, giving myself a last once over before climbing down the steps. Stepping out into the chilly day and cold winds, I hugged my jacket to myself. Winter was coming fast. 

Setting myself in her car, I let out a breath of relief at the warmth.

"Morning," I mumbled. 

"Good morning," she replied. "How'd your date go?"

I glared at her, letting out a frustrated sigh. "It wasn't a date."

She waved me off. "Yeah, yeah. How was it?"

"It was okay, I guess," I mumbled.

There was no way in hell that I was telling Korina that he kissed me. No. She would think she was right about us liking each other and she was wrong. I didn't like him. And he didn't like me. It was most likely a mistake that needed to be forgotten about and obviously with time I wouldn't remember. He probably fucked some girl over the weekend and wasn't even thinking of me. 

"Did anything exciting happen?" She asked in exasperation for me to tell her something exciting. 


She sighed in defeat. "Was the restaurant at least nice?"

I nodded. "Yeah, it was like once of those fancy smancy places. The food was good."

"Fancy, eh?"

"Not that fancy, Korina." 

"Did they have valet parking?" I nodded. "That's fancy, Serenity."

I sighed in annoyance, trying not to snap at her. She knew I hated this topic. "Everything was great. He looked nice and I looked nice. We ate, and he brought me home. I don't know what more you want me to say." 

"That's it?" she pouted. "How was he acting? Did he put his arm around your waist or confess his undying love for you?"

I rolled my eyes. Even though he did put his arm around my waist, I wouldn't tell her that. This wasn't the first time he's done it. "He did neither of those things. Seems like your ship has sailed." 

She groaned. "One day I'm going to lock you both in a room for 24 hours with a secret camera and I just know I'll catch you two doing something. I feel like you're not telling me something."

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