chapter fourteen

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Serenity Morales

Getting ready for this apology dinner with Justin, I didn't know what to expect. I didn't want to make a big deal out of this and overdress, or over do it in general. To be honest, even though I knew it wasn't a date I was still kind of nervous.

Korina assured me that this was just Justin's way of getting me to go out with him and technically this was a date. I argued that it wasn't, but with her you could argue until you were blue in the face but once Korina had her mind set on something, you couldn't change it. Which is exactly why we're always arguing 24/7.

Despite that, I haven't heard from Justin since earlier and I felt as though I had to throw up. How could I possibly leave my house in a dress without my family noticing? Oh right, just like how I didn't come home for days and they never noticed. But must to my misfortune, they were getting ready to eat dinner and would be sitting in the dining room, which I had to pass to get out of the house.

It was even more official. My life sucked.

I gave myself another one over, looking at the clock. Justin said he would be here 7:30 and it was 7:20. Wow, I was actually ready before the allotted time for once.

I was wearing a soft blue dress, but it wasn't anything spectacular. The sleeves were short and it fit me snuggly, yet comfortably. It stopped a little higher than my knee though. I put on some simply wedges to complete the look. I put on natural makeup to try and look like I wasn't trying so hard.

I was trying hard and I didn't know why. I knew he was going to look good and I didn't want to look like chopped liver, or even his little sister standing next to him.

My hair was in a high, curly ponytail and a few tendrils framed my face.

I grimaced at myself in the mirror for a moment or two. I looked fine, but I'm sure I could do better. Why did I have to look so gross 99% of the time. Of course I'd look like chopped liver standing next to him. It was obvious that he was beautiful and I was not.

My phone vibrated and I jumped. I thanked whoever texted me for bringing me out of my self-loathing. I looked down at my phone and it was Justin, telling me he would be here in five minutes.

Okay, don't panic.

I picked up a light jacket in case I got cold, and ventured on my way down the steps. I held onto the railing and watched each step. My legs felt like jello and I would collapse any second. Once I reached the bottom of the steps, I peered into the dining room before actually entering.

"I'll be back later," I mumbled, clearing my throat.

All three of their heads craned to look at me.

Marissa looked me up and down. "Don't get pregnant tonight," she laughed and I grimaced.

"I told you," I mumbled. "I'm going to my friend's parent's anniversary party."

"And I call bullshit," she snorted.

"Come on, you're a better liar than that."

I rolled my eyes, deciding it would be in my best interest to ignore her. "As I said earlier, I'll be back later."

"You'll be back before one," my mother said sternly and I fought the urge to roll my eyes again.

"Two," my father winked at me and I grinned.

"Did I say--"

"My ride's here. Love you all, bye," I shouted, speedwalking towards the door.

Once I was outside, I breathed in the fresh air. The sun had already set and the moon was keeping our company. The sky looked pretty with all of the stars shining. I jumped when I heard a car horn honk. My cheeks heated up in embarassment as I shoved my phone in my clutch and threw my jacket over my forearm.

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