chapter eighteen - Justin's POV

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Justin Bieber

I actually took into consideration what Serenity said. I shaved, yes I actually did and tamed my hair. I preferred keeping it messy but I knew this wasn't the occasion for it. I ditched jeans for cargo pants not like I saw a damn difference. I believed in all reality that if it wasn't for the watch that my sanity would have been cut short. It tied the whole look in together, no matter how girly that sounds. Nothing more I loved than gold. Gold plated, gold rims, gold watches, gold, gold, gold. I mean when you came from nothing like me you start to enjoy the luxuries in life.

I was currently on my way there. To relax, I was smoking a calming cigarette. I had to make sure to mask myself with cologne, and kept the window down. The last thing I needed was to smell like fucking cigarettes when I was meeting her family. I was supposed to be the best me I could be according to her, but what was my best? My best was acting like a good boy, which I wasn't. This would be easy. I would hook her parents in and they would love me. I mean as long as I continued my good boy act what wasn't there to like?

I was nervous but not like I was going to throw up or anything. I knew that if I fucked this up, it'll be a hassle to see her. That won't exactly work out when I'm supposed to be protecting her. I know she'll be upset anyhow if her parents don't like me and when she's upset she cries and I hate that shit. Not that it's annoying I just hate seeing her hurt or anyone in general. I see the emotion and then I feel it. Fucks me up.

Pulling up to her house, I threw the cigarette butt out the window. Spraying cologne on me, I inhaled hoping I didn't stink of it. Throwing my jacket on over my T-shirt, I exited the car. Man, this better be fucking worth it. I could have been settling a deal and getting paid right now.

Knocking on her front door, I suddenly felt worried about who would answer the door. Would it be her father? That sister of hers or her mother? Shit, I didn't know which I didn't want the most. The easiest would be if she opened the door instead but the likelihood of that seemed very slim. I didn't give her a warning about when I was coming.

"Just on time," I heard a voice say as the door pulled open.

In front of me stood a woman in a blue dress and heels. I could definitely see where Serenity got her looks from, they were like spitting images of one another. The woman did have a few wrinkles, obviously showing that she was older and could not be her sister but I decided on being cliché to win over some points. Whoever said flattery gets you nowhere is wrong. Got me through high school.

"Good evening, you must be Serenity's sister," I said making her let out a laugh. It sounded slightly posh but this was Serenity's mother and I wasn't trying to judge. She looked like an ordinary middle aged woman who liked to enjoy the fancier things in life, like me. The pearls on her neck, diamonds on her ears and red bottoms were proof. I'm more than sure she kept her hair dyed, seeing as there wasn't a single gray hair in sight. Appearance seemed to be very important to her.

She looked me up and down and I wasn't sure whether she was content or disgusted. Her face gave away nothing but she smiled brightly at me. "Come in...Justin right?"

She moved out the doorway and I nodded, walking in. "Yes, I'm Justin."

"Now, Bieber is that German?"

I nodded yet again. "Yes."

She hummed and I saw Martina or whatever her name was come down the steps and my eyes hardened. Her sister could be the reason why this all fucked up. Good thing she didn't stop, she just sent me a subtle wink and continued on her way into another room. I wanted so badly to roll my eyes, but her mother would think I was doing it to her not at all aware of her daughter's actions.

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