Chapter 19

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We all got here last night and today was the day of Louis' fight. I wasn't worried about him this time since I'm sure he's going to win. I'm just worried about Mason watching it since he has to come this time. Louis' mom is driving here today so she should be here by the time the fight starts. She said she's fine with keeping Mason after the fight so me and Louis can have some time alone. I know me and Louis have been trying for another baby so I think I should take a pregnancy test today. I threw one in my bag before we left. Me and Louis have our own hotel room with Mason and the other boys are sharing. I woke up and rolled over and saw that Louis was still sleeping and I know he needed to sleep for tonight. I knew Mason was still asleep since if he's awake he's usually making noise. Him and Louis are so much alike. They both love thier sleep. I tried to get out of Louis' hold without waking him up. When I got out I realized he woke up. He asked "What are you doing?"

"I think I should take a pregnancy test today."

He smiled and asked "Is that why youere getting up?"

I nodded and he asked "Is Mason awake?"

"No, he's just like you and likes to sleep."

Louis smiled and said "So."

I got up and walked over to our bag and pulled out the preganacy test. I walked into the bathroom and took it. When I was done I put it on the counter and walked over and sat on the bed next to Louis. He said "You didn't give me a kiss this morning." I smiled and lean't down and kissed him. His lips were soft against mine as they were moving in sync. I pulled away after a minute and said "I might want to go check the test."

He pecked my lips and said "We could always try again tonight if you're not."

"I know."

I walked into the bathroom and looked at the test. I saw a little minus sign. I'm not pregnant. We've been trying and it's just not working. I hope Louis isn't upset about it. It's like we just keep trying and nothing is happening. I walked back into the room and Louis asked "What did it say?"

"I'm not pregnant."

He looked a little sad which was sad but there is nothing we can do about it. He said "Let's just try again tonight. Maybe, you'll get pregnant this time." He moved so that he was sitting with his legs off the bed. I walked over and stood between them and he grabbed my hands and intertwined them with his. I said "Hopefully it happens. But what if it doesn't?"

"We can always keep trying baby. It's not like I'm going to leave you because you're not getting pregnant. For all we know this could be a sign that we don't need another kid right now."

I kissed him and said "I love you."

He smiled and said "I love you too baby." 

                 It was time to go to Louis' fight. Everyone was happy about it but I didn't want to see Nick or Zach. All the boys know about them so hopefully they'll try to keep them away from me and Mason. When we got there we walked back into Louis' room. Louis went to change and I sat on the table in there with Mason and I saw Louis' mom walk in. She smiled and said "Hi."


"How are you?'

"Good, just a bit worried."

"About what?'

"Seeing people I don't want to see and I don't want Mason to see them."

"Is it Zach and Nick?"

"Yeah, did Louis tell you about them?"

"Yeah. He didn't really say anything but their names."

"You probably knoe Nick is my ex."

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