Chapter 85

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Abby's POV 

Me and Johannah talked for awhile. Louis' sisters came back after school. They all started playing with Mason. He seemed happy about it. I know they love him though. I helped Johannah cook dinner. We finished and I picked up Mason. I put him in his high chair here and we all sat down at the table. We were all eating and talking when I heard my phone start going off. I said "Sorry. I'll be back."

I got up from the table and went into the living room where my phone was. I picked it up and saw Louis' name on the screen. Maybe he's wondering where me and Mason are. He should be home by now. I answered and I realized that it wasn't Louis. It was Niall. Why does Niall have Louis' phone? What is going on? Niall said "Abby you have to listen when I tell you this. Please don't freak out too bad okay."

''Niall what the hell is going on?"

''Louis was shot. He's being rushed to the hospital. I'm behind the ambulance.''


''Abby just meet me at the hospital.''

My phone fell out of my hand. It's like my whole body went numb. I felt my eyes start watering. I can't believe this is happening. I need to go to the hospital. What if something bad happens? What if I never get to see Louis again? I can't help but think that. I need to just worry about getting to the hospital right now. I picked up my phone and walked into the kitchen. Johannah asked "What's wrong?"

I don't know if this is the right way to tell everyone but I just need to leave. I need to go to the hospital. I know I have tears streaming down my face but this doesn't matter right now. I said "I just got a call saying that Louis was shot. They're taking him to the hospital right now. I'm so sorry. I need to go now."

I could tell Johannah wanted to cry too. He walked over and hugged me. She said "Go. I'll bring Mason later with me. You need to be there with him right now."

I nodded and ran out of her house. I got in the car and started driving there. I couldn't help but drive fast. I just want to get there. I need to be with him. I'm honestly scared. I never thought I could be as scared as I am now. I can literally lose the person that I love the most in the world. I got there and I saw Niall's car in the parking lot. I got out and ran inside. I saw Niall waiting in the waiting room. I asked "Where is he?"

''They had to take him back for emergency surgery."

I could help but cry more. Niall walked over and wrapped his arms around me. I cried into his chest and he kissed the top of my way. He tried to calm me down but it just wasn't working. I want to see Louis. I never thought today would be like this. I was expecting to go home and tell Louis that I was pregnant. He would be happy and want to tell everyone like he did last time. I honestly don't know what I would do without him. I just need him. Mason needs him. Our baby needs him. After a couple minutes I calmed down and pulled away from him. I asked "Can I know what happened?"

He looked kind of hesitant. I said "Please.''

He nodded and pulled me over to sit down then he sat down next to me. He said "Louis said that you knew that he was coming with me to deal with Zack.

''Yeah, he asked me if I was okay with it. I mean I am. I know he wants to keep me safe so I let him go." 

He nodded then said "He got to my apartment and his phone started going off. I guessed that if was you since he wouldn't let us leave until he was done texting you. We left and we got there. We walked inside and Zack came out. We were talking to him and Louis said something about how Zack would be killed before he would touch you. That's when that's when Zack came over and stood in front of Louis. He asked if he was sure about that and he pulled out a gun. I tried to get Louis to stop but he didn't. I saw a crazy look coming from Zack, I thought he was going to shoot him then. Louis ended up hitting him and he stumbled back. Louis hit him again and we both thought he was knocked out. Louis started to walk away when Zack started chuckling. I saw that he had another gun in his hand. Before either of us could do anything Zack pulled the rigger. Louis grabbed his stomach and fell down. I knocked the gun out of Zack's hand and knocked him out. I checked on Louis but he was already blacked out. I called 911 and they got there. The police showed up and the arrested Zack. They wanted to ask my a couple questions but I said I needed to come here with them so they said they're going to come ask me some questions soon and they're going to ask Louis some when he feels a little better."

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