Chapter 22

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I've been upset since seeing my parents earlier. I know Louis could notice. I wasn't mad at him for stopping me from saying what I wanted to say at the time. He was completely right I would regret it later. I sat in the grass with Mason playing with him while Louis and the other boys played soccer for a little bit. I could tell Mason wanted to play but I was kind of worried if he played. I know the boys wouldn't keep playing they were if Mason was playing but it still worried me. When the boys were done, Louis walked over to me and Mason and he helped me up and picked up Mason. He lean't down and kissed me. I pulled away and said "You're all sweaty."

He chuckled and said "Sorry. It happens when you play soccer."

I grabbed his hand and intertwined our fingers and we walked towards the car. I saw Zach and Nick walking in. How would they know we're here? My parents probably told them. It's sad because I can see them doing that. They just like making things hard for me. Louis' grip on my hand got a little tighter and we went straight to the car. When we got in and Louis started driving, I noticed that they saw us. I don't really care since we're leaving after we get our stuff from the hotel. Then we're going back to our apartment and hopefully they'll stay away from there. We got back to the hotel and I could tell Louis was mad but he wasn't talking. Why is he being this way? I don't get it we were having a good day except for my parents and now all the sudden it's ruined because he saw Zach and Nick. He grabbed our bags and put them in the car and I picked up Mason and carried him outside and put him in his car seat. I saw the boys walk out with thier stuff and put it in their cars. I got in mine and Louis' and he got in and started driving home. I realized this is going to be a really long ride home. It was very ovious that he wasn't going to talk so I didn't even say anything. 

The whole ride home I stayed quiet and looked out the window. I know Mason fell asleep since he wasn'r making any noise. He normally does when he's awake. Louis was mad and didn't say anything at all and just focused on the road. I was happy when we got back home. I was out of the car and away from Louis. I love him but I just don't want to be around him when he's mad. When we walked in I took Mason into the kitchen to feed him and Louis walked back to to Mason's room and put his bag in there. Then I heard him walk to our room and slam the door. Mason asked "What's wrong with dadda?'

"Nothing buddy. He's just upset."

I gave him some food and texted Niall. "Are you home?"

"Yeah, Why?"

"Louis is mad and I don't know if I'm going to stay here all night."

"You can come over here. Are you going to stay the night?"

"Probably not. I'll come over in a little bit."  

 I know not staying won't solve anything but  I just don't like Mason around Louis when he's mad. I asked Mason "Do you want to go see Uncle Niall?"


I went over to the kitchen counter and grabbed a peice of paper and a pen and wrote Louis a note saying I know you're mad babe. I'm sorry but I don't get why. I'm taking Mason over to Niall's for a little bit. We'll be back later tonight. Please don't break anything. I love you. -Love Abby.  I left the note on the counter and grabbed the car keys and Mason and walked out to the car. I put Mason in his car seat and srove to Niall's. When I got there I picked up Mason and walked up to the door. I knocked and after a minute Niall answered and he let me in. I put Mason down and he ran into Niall's living room. I said "Thanks for letting us come over."

"No problem. I actually like hanging out with you two."

I walked into the living room and saw Mason playing with some toys. I asked "Did you buy some toys for him?"

"Yeah, I mean if you guys do come over which you do I don't want him to get bored.''

I smiled and sat down on the couch. He said "I ordered a pizza. I'll share with you."

I laughed and said "I feel special."

NIall was watching a movie and I have no idea what it was. I asked 'What are you watching."

He chuckled and said "I have no idea. I came in here and just turned on the tv."

He handed me the remote and said "You can find something to watch."

I put it on 8 Mile since me and Niall both like that movie. After about 20 minutes there was a knock on the door and Niall said "I'll get it."

He got up and got it and I decided to check my phone. I was hoping for a text from Louis but there wasn't one. I guess I'm not surprised. When he's mad he doesn't talk to anyone even me. I don't think he knows it upsets me when he does that though.  Niall walked in with the pizza and we ate it but he ate most of it. We finished watching the movie and I saw it was about time for Mason's bedtime. I said "I think I'm going to go gome and check on Louis."

"Okay. I'll probably be over there tomorrow."

Me and Mason said bye to him and I put Mason in his car seat again and drove home. When we get home I expect to at least find something broken. I walked in and carried Mason to his room. I haven't seen anything broken. I got Mason's pajamas and took him into the bathroom to give him a bath. After that I put him to bed. I walked into the kitchen to see if Louis saw the note. He did because it was all crumbled andI just threw it away. I walked down to mine and Louis' room and tried to open the door. It was locked. I guess he's still mad but he doesn't have to do this to me. I don't understand why he is being like this. I didn't knock I just got a blanket out of the closet in the hall and laid down on the couch. It was weird trying to go to sleep without Louis. I got used to going to sleep in his arms. It was so rare for me not to go to sleep without him. I fell asleep.

After awhile I woke up to someone kissing me. I opened my eyes and saw Louis standing there. He said "Babe, come to bed. I can't sleep without you."

"You locked the door on me though."

"Please come to bed with me."

"No, you can't treat me the way you did and expect me to just go to bed with you."

He groaned and begged 'Please."


He handed me one of his shirts and said "Good night."

He stormed down the hall and slamed the door. Why is he so moddy today? It was getting annoying. I got up and walked into the bathroom and changed into his shirt and went back on the couch. I couldn't sleep anymore. I was awake thinking about why Louis was acting like this. I gave up on trying to sleep and turned on the tv. I was watching tv trying to get my mind of of Louis and evrything else. Maybe all this stress is why I'm not getting pregnant. It would make sense. I have been worried and streesed ever since we started trying. Maybe I should tell Louis about that. Who knoes what he'll do about it though. I've had so much to think about. I guess it's a good thing I finished college early but Louis didn't want me to work. All I did was think. I need some time to myself. I soon fell asleep while watching tv.

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