Chapter 52

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Louis' POV 

I'm happy I'm home. I finally got to sleep in my own bed last night with the girl I love. I love her more than anything in this world. I can't stand it if I'm away from her for more than a couple hours. That two weeks was the longest two weeks of my life. I'm glad I'm waking up here with Abby in my arms. I hated going to sleep without her there and waking up without her in my arms. It was hard not sleep. I know she probably didn't sleep much. I'm sure she didn't since what I hear she was a mess without me. I hate knowing that I did that to her. I would hate myself more if I didn't protect her from Nick. What he was going to do to her was wrong. I don't want anything like that happening to her. It just makes things worse that our son was there when it happened. I glad we got moved before I got arrested. I don't know what I would do if we were moved before. Who knows what would have happened. I would have been away and Zach would have known and he knows where we used to live. He could have tried to do things with her. I don't know what is up with people. Can't they understand that she's mine. I don't ever want to let her go. I know Nick and Zach want to be with her. It's horrible knowing what they would do to her. They would probably rape her if I wasn't around. I don't know what I would do with myself if that happened. It hurts knowing that my old best mate is trying to take her away from me. I thought I could always trust Niall. The way he's been acting has proven me wrong. I never thought I would have to worry about him trying to fuck my wife while I'm gone. I don't want her around him. Who knows what else he'll try when I'm not around and they're alone together. He obviously doesn't mind doing any of that when Mason is around. I fucking hate that. He knows Mason is mine and Abby's son and that I love them both more than anything. I don't ever plan on leaving Abby. I'm sure she doesn't plan on leaving me. I know she loves me. She's proved it. I know she's cheated on me before but I cheated too. I know I won't ever do it again. I was so drunk when I did it though. I went out to drink to get my mind off of the fight we were having. I'm glad it's over. I hate fighting with her. I always want her to win except when it comes to Niall. I just don't want her around him unless I'm around. Then I know if I'm around he won't try anything. If he does I'll fucking break his neck. I'm sure he knows that. I don't think he's stupid enough to do that in front of me. I know fucking Nick and Zach are. I know they're not coming around us for awhile though. 

It's nice waking up with her in my arms again. I could hardly sleep those two weeks. I probably slept more than her though. I looked down at her and she was still asleep. I'm happy she's getting some sleep. She needs it. She looks so peaceful. I don't really want to disturb her. I kind of just want to lay here with her in my arms. I missed it so much. I wouldn't mind it if we just laid here like this all day. I know we can't though since we have Mason. Who knows if any of the boys came here last night or not. I know they like to. I don't even know if they know I'm out of jail yet. I'm sure they know. Niall probably told them. I know he talks to all the boys. They're all still close. I don't think me and Niall can be close again since what happened. I just can't trust him around Abby anymore. I know I can trust her and I know she won't let anything happen. I heard some laughing start coming from downstairs. I smiled. I know some of the boys are here. I know Abby hasn't seen the last time I've seen them. I want to go see them but I want to be right here with Abby right now. I heard someone walked upstairs and go into a room. I know it's probably one of the boys. I heard more footsteps and our bedroom door opened. I saw that it was Liam and he was holding Mason. He asked "Are you going to join us downstairs?"

"Yeah when she wakes up."

"Alright. We're just going to play with Mason then."

"Who's all here?"

"Me, Zayn and Harry."

"Niall's not here?"

"Nope, we haven't talked to him in a couple days. I though you've heard from him."

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