Chapter 72

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Louis' POV 

Abby's grip tightened on my arm and I smirked. I looked over at Niall and saw that he was still watching. I want him to watch this. I don't really want him to but I want him to see what I can do to her. He's never going to get to touch her like this again. He looked like he was getting mad. I want him to get mad enough and leave. I won't tell Abby this though. I looked over and saw that the other boys still haven't noticed anything. I whispered in Abby's ear "Cum for me baby. I want him to know what I can make you do." I know she's going to be a little mad at me later but it's going to be worth it. I'm kind of worried that people will notice when she cums. She can hardly stay quiet when she does. Someone will probably notice something. I felt her dig her nails into my arm as she came. I smirked and looked over at Niall. I'm happy Abby stayed quiet though. Normally she's loud. I normally want her to be loud though. I pulled my fingers out of her and put them in my mouth. I wish I could have tasted her properly but I can't with everyone else here. I saw her button and zip her pants. She turned around and pecked my lips. She said "I'm going to the bathroom. I don't want everyone else to know what you just did to me."

I smirked and said "I only wanted Niall to know."

She rolled her eyes and pecked my lips again. She got off my lap and walked down the hall to the guest bathroom. I looked over at Niall and saw that he was glaring at me. I knew he would be mad about this. My mum asked "Where did Abby go?"

"She had to use the restroom."

She nodded and asked "When she's done do you think we can do Mason's birthday cake?"


I saw Niall get up and walk over towards me. He asked "Can we talk in the kitchen?"


I know he's pissed off at me right now. I want him to be though. I want him to know that Abby is mine and he's not going to ruin my family. I got up and followed him into the kitchen. He asked "Why did you do that to me?"

"I know you want her."

"So you did that in front of me?"

"Yeah. You need to know what I can do to her."

He shook his head and said "This isn't fair to her. You need to give her the choice to choose between us."

"We've already done this before. She chose me."

I could tell that he was getting more mad. I said '' I know you're getting mad. You can leave and we won't have any more problems here."

"Yes we will. The problem is going to stay the say no matter where we are until Abby chooses to be with me."

"She's not going to be with you."

"We can always find out."

"I guess we're going to have to."

He smirked and said "When you're back in jail Abby is fair game. I can fuck her every night while you're in there and there's nothing you would be able to do about it. I can have her screaming my name and I can get her pregnant again."

He's pissing me off and I'm sure he knows it. He's not going touch her if I have to go back to jail. I'm going to make sure someone is here to make sure it's not going to happen. He has no idea what I would do him when I got out. He'd wish he never touched her. This all started because me and Abby had one big fight and I know she regrets fucking him. I know we both regret what we did. Ever since that he thinks he has a chance with her. He will never get to be with her like that ever again unless she wants to leave me and be with him. I know she wants to be with me. I should never doubt that. She's proved that she wants to be with me. If she wanted to be with him she would have left me already. She would have left when all we did was fight.

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