Chapter 29

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Abby's POV  

I laid there for awhile with Louis. I know I needed to get up and get Mason. I didn't was to disturb Louis though. I got up and looked at him. He was still asleep. I was happy that he was. He needed it. I walked down the hall and walked into Mason's room. I saw that he was awake and picked him up. I carried into the living room and put him down. He walked over and started playing with some of his toys. I walked into the kitchen and started cooking dinner. When I was done I put Mason in his highchair and gave him some food. I heard the front door open and I saw Harry walk in. He came in the kitchen and seemed a little surprised when he saw me. He walked over to the table and sat down. He asked "Is everything okay between you two?"


"What happened?"

"He fucked up while he was drunk."

"That's all I've been told by him too."

"It's embarrassing what happened."

"Was it really that bad?"


"Then why did you come back?"

"I love him and for Mason. I don't really want to be here but I kinda missed him and Mason needs to see him."

"Where is he now?"


"He went to sleep without you?"

"No, I laid in there till he was asleep and got up."

"He won't sleep very long then."

"I know but he does need some sleep."

"Did he sleep while you were gone?"


We both stayed quiet for a couple minutes then I asked "Are you staying here for dinner?"


He got up and made his own plate and sat down. After a couple minutes I heard some footsteps coming down the hallway. I turned around and saw Louis walk in. He smiled and asked "Why did you get up?"

"Sorry, I was cooking and someone had to watch our son and I wasn't having someone else do it."

He walked over to the table and sat next to me. He kissed my cheek then moved some of my hair away from my ear. He whispered "I love you."

I smiled but didn't say anything. I got up and picked Mason up out of his highchair and walked down the hall to his room. I got him some pajamas and walked into the bathroom. I gave him and bath. I put him down when he was done and he ran down the hall into the living room. I walked into mine and Louis' room and changed into some yoga pants and a t-shirt. I walked back into the living room and saw Louis, Harry and Mason all in there. I saw that they were all watching tv. Louis looked up and smiled at me. I walked over and sat down next to him on the couch. He pecked my lips then went back to watching tv. For some reason it just felt weird being home. I don't know why, it just did. Maybe it's because everything still isn't completely okay with me and Louis. The boys were still watching tv when I started getting tired. I got up and picked up Mason. I walked Mason into his room and put him in his crib. I walked down the hall to mine and Louis' room. I walked in and closed the door. I walked over to the bed and laid down. I turned on the tv and started watching it. Soon I fell asleep.

I woke up to the bedroom door closing. I heard footsteps coming across the floor. I felt the bed move and I felt Louis wrap his arms around me. I felt him kiss my head and say "I know you're awake."

I rolled over and asked "How did you know?"

"I saw your eyes open when I walked in."

"I was asleep till you came in."

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