Chapter 64

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Abby's POV 

I hope everyone is happy about this. I looked around saw that some of the boys were surprised. I looked at Johannah and she looked happy. I'm sure she's not surprised though. I feel like it takes a lot for her to be surprised. I knew she would be happy for us. I looked at Niall and he just looked mad. Kind of like he was holding himself back from doing something. I hope he doesn't do anything stupid. I know I talked to Louis and he said he would try not to do anything stupid. I know he's going to try. I know he got upset earlier when I hugged Niall and I'm glad he didn't do anything stupid. Maybe things will be better if I talked to him. I know Louis won't like it but I'm sure he won't stop me. Johannah said "I'm happy for you two."

"Thank you."

Harry said "I'm not surprised. I'm happy. We get another kid to play with."

I smiled and Zayn and Liam both said they were happy about it. I looked at Niall and he still wasn't saying anything. I saw that he was mad. I don't get how he's so mad about this. I looked at Louis and I saw that he was mad. I saw that he noticed how Niall was. I grabbed his hand and he gave me a small smile. I whispered "Please don't do anything."

Louis just sat there and Zayn asked "Niall, are you okay?"


Niall looked at Louis and said "Why would you do this to her? You treat her horrible as it is and now you're giving her another reason why she shouldn't leave you so you can be happy. She needs to be with someone who actually cares."

I know Louis is not going to be able to hold himself back. I'm not going to be mad at him for this. I know Niall just said that he doesn't treat me right. I know he really does. I know he loves me too. We fight but that's what every couple does. They probably don't fight s much as we do but we do it because we care. I know why we do it. Louis said "I do fucking treat her right. The only things you hear about with us is when we fight. We hardly fight when you're not around. The only things we've been really fighting about lately are you. I don't want her around you because of what you try to convince her to do. You only think about yourself when you try and get her to leave me for you. You don't understand that we have a family together and we both love each other. When we're away from each other we're miserable. You should know that. You saw Abby when I was in jail you even said it yourself that she wasn't herself. She was an emotional wreak. Don't even start that shit here tonight."

"You know I'm right though. You don't treat her right all the time. You know she can do better than you. You're afraid that she'll leave you one day. She'll find someone who will treat her right and help her take care of Mason and the kid she's pregnant with now and you won't get to see them."

"She's not going to leave me. I'm sure if she wanted to leave me she would have left already. I know you fucking want her to be with you but it will never fucking happen."

Why do theses two have to fight in front of everyone. I mean Mason is even in the room. I hate this. I want it to stop but I have a feeling that it's not going to stop. I don't want to fight with Niall but I know Louis is about to hurt him. I said "Niall stop. Louis does treat me right. When I got pregnant it was because we both wanted a kid. We've been trying for awhile and this is what makes us happy."

Niall asked "Why are you defending him right now? You know when you're upset you come to me. You don't even go to him. You came to me and cheated on him with me."

"We were on a break."

I got up and picked up Mason. I walked out of the room and went upstairs. I don't want to hear Niall bring up anything from the past. Especially since me and Louis found a way to move past it. I don't want Mason hearing anymore of the fighting. Hopefully they can all work it out downstairs but I doubt it. I went into Mason's room and a couple more minutes I saw Johannah walk in. She asked "Can we talk about something?"

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