Chapter 73

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Abby's POV 

I know tomorrow that anything could happen. Who knows if Louis will have to be away from me and Mason. I hope not. I need him around. I don't want him missing Mason's second birthday. I know we already had his second birthday party but I want him here on his actual birthday though. I know Niall will try something if Louis has to go back to jail. I don't want to deal with that. I mean I know I have one more day with Louis and I should try and make the best of it. I should forget about what could happen for today and worry about it tomorrow. I just need to focus on me and Louis today. I wan him to know that nothing will happen if he does go back to jail. I won't allow anything to happen. He already said if he did go back he would have Harry staying here with me and Mason to make sure Niall isn't around. I don't blame him for wanting to do that this time. I mean Niall did want to have sex with me the last time he was in jail. I don't want to deal with that again. I love Niall but maybe it's the best thing to stay away from him right now. 

I woke up and I realized I wasn't in Louis' arms. I rolled over and saw that he wasn't in bed. I wonder where he went, Normally he wakes me up when he gets up. I got out of bed and pulled his shirt down that I was wearing. I walked out of our room and down to Mason's room. I opened the door and saw that he wasn't in there. I'm guessing that Louis probably has him downstairs. I walked downstairs and saw that there were cartoons on TV and Mason was laying on the couch. He looked like he was about to go back to sleep so I left him be. I walked into the kitchen and saw Louis cooking. If he does have to go back to jail it's going to be weird to get up and him not being here. I honestly don't know how Mason will be about it. I know Mason will miss him. He'll probably be asking for him again. I walked over to him and wrapped my arms around his torso. I know I would miss this if anything happened. I know he would too. 

Louis' POV 

I was cooking when I heard Abby walked into the kitchen. I didn't look up since I knew it was her. I heard her footsteps come across the kitchen and she wrapped her arms around my torso. I know if anything happens tomorrow I will miss her doing this to me when she see me cooking. I would just miss everything about her. I would miss the way she's so gentle about everything even when I'm being rough. I don't know if I could take two months or more being away from her. I just want everything to go good tomorrow. I want Nick to go to jail. I was defending Abby. I don't want him touching her like he was. I don't want anyone touching her like that except me. I finished up cooking since I was almost done. I turned around and wrapped my arms around her. I lent down and pecked her lips. I said "Good morning beautiful."

She smiled and said "Good morning."

I love her smile. I can't imagine being away from her and not being able to see it. I asked "Are you happy about us being able to be with each other tonight?"

"Yes. Who knows when we'll be able to again."

"Baby, let's think about what good could happen tomorrow. I don't want to worry about what bad thing could happen."


I know she's still going to worry about it but I know if I distract her she won't think about it anymore. I lent down and kissed her. I felt her move her arms up so that they were up around my neck. I moved my hands down to her bum and ran my tongue across her bottom lip. She let me have entrance and I pushed my tongue into her mouth. She started messing with the ends of my hair. I loved it when she did that. I moaned into the kiss and I felt her smirk. I squeezed her bum and she gasp. I smirked and a couple minutes later she pulled away. She said "I'm going to check on Mason."

She walked into the living room and I made us both a plate of the food and set it on the table. I sat down at the table and she walked back in. She said "Mason fell back asleep." We ate breakfast then watched a couple movies with Mason. I would miss Mason so much if anything happened and I had to go away. I hate being away from him and Abby. I just want to focus on being with them today. That's all that should matter. I had my arm around Abby and Mason was on the other side of me. After a couple movies I looked at the time. I know I want to do somethings with Abby tonight. I don't want Mason around because I'm going to have Abby screaming my name. I asked "Do you want to take him to my mum's before?"

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