Chapter 61

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Abby's POV 

I'm happy Louis is coming home tonight. I hoped that he would but a part of me thought that he wouldn't. I know I want to be with him. I love Niall but I love him like a brother. I'm in Love with Louis and I don't think that will ever change. I want Niall to get that but I don't think he will. I know I've  tried to to talk to him so many times about it and he does't get it. Now it's starting to upset me. He's now affecting mine and Louis' relationship. I know me and Louis can make it work though. We've made it through worse than this. I know we both can't stand being away from each other for more than a day. More like 8 hours. We just began to miss each other so much. I know that's what happened last night. I missed him. I could barely sleep and I could he couldn't either. 

I walked out of Harry's guest room where Louis was at. I closed the door behind me and walked down the hall into the living room. I saw Harry sitting on the couch and he looked up at me. He asked "Is everything okay between you two?"


"Is he going home tonight?"

"Yeah. He said he misses me and Mason."

"Well don't be too loud tonight if Mason is home."

I laughed and said "We're not going to do anything."

"I know how you two are. You're defiantly going to do something tonight."

I shook my head and said "Bye."

He laughed and said "I'll probably be over tomorrow."

I walked out the door and walked out to my car. I know after I get home Louis will be there soon after me. I knew everything would be okay between us. We love each other so much and we work our way through everything. I got home and walked upstairs. I went into our room and laid down on the bed. I'm tired from not sleeping much last night. I know Louis did say come home and sleep before he got home. I know I need it. 

Louis' POV 

I'm happy she came here. I'm happy knowing that she said she was coming here before I even texted her. I know she cares. I know she missed me last night. I didn't mean for me to upset her so much with me leaving. I needed to be away though. I don't even know how I thought she would even pick Niall over me. I know she'll always pick me even though I fuck up sometimes. We always work things out though. I know I don't want to ever be with anyone else but her. I know she feels the same way. I kind of just want to get home but I want to surprise her with something. Maybe I make s dinner or stop and get something. I want to make it up to her for me leaving last night. I know I should have just stayed home. There was no way that she would even pick Niall. I made such a big deal about it. I should have known though. I made her upset over nothing. I want to go home to her though. I know Mason won't be there but I'll get to see him tomorrow. I know what Abby wants to do tonight. I think it's cute. It's rare for her to be the one to do that. Most of the time it's me. I love her and would do anything for her though. I know she wants me to get home. 

I got up and grabbed some clothes and changed into them. I grabbed my bag and walked out of the room. I'm glad I'm going home. I like hanging out with Harry but his apartment isn't like home. I only like coming here to hang out with him not stay. I'm used to everyone coming over to mine and Abby's house. Everyone goes there so they can see Mason. I'm glad all the boys love him. I'm just worried about what they're going to say if Abby gets pregnant again. For all I know she can pregnant right now and she hasn't told me. I'm sure she would have told me though. I walked into the living room and I saw Harry sitting in there. I said "Thanks for letting me stay here."

"No problem. I knew you wouldn't be here long. You two always work things out."

"I know. This is my fault. I shouldn't have over reacted about it."

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