5. Burning Pizza

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Chapter 5: Burning Pizza

“S-sorry” I apologized to Alfie as I quickly got out of his embrace.

Joe rushed to open the windows to let the now apparent smoke out and I went to turn the over off. I got the over gloves and opened to oven to pull out a very black looking pizza.

I set it down on the middle of the table as all the boys looked down at it in silence.

“Bon Appetite” I muttered.

There was a slight pause as the boys all exchanged glances…then burst out into hysterical laughter.

The laughter soon simmered down.

“I’ll go get the Dominoes menu…” Joe trailed off.

This left Alfie, Marcus, Chai and I in the room. I was standing directly behind the pizza, watching the remaining smoke rising from it.

“Smile Zoe!” Alfie said and I looked up quickly.

He pointed his iPhone at me to take a picture; I smiled and did a thumbs up sign, the burning, smoky pizza below me.

Alfie let out a chuckle as I heard the snap of the picture being taken.

“Personally, I can’t believe you guys let this happen” I joked, looking down at the pizza sympathetically.

“Wait a second…we meant for this to happen!” Chai defended “I like my pizza…crispy” he finished.

I smirked at him and Joe walked back in “10 minutes lads” he announced.

I raised my eyebrow and let out a cough. Joe rolled his eyes.

“Lads and Zoe” he stuck his tongue out.

“So, Zoe” Marcus asked me “What shall we do for our video? What you good at?”

“Accents, she’s good at accents” Joe informed him.

I shrugged in agreement “We could do an accent tag or something?” I suggested.

“Sure! Good idea” Marcus answered.

“Can you do any accents?” Chai asked.

“G’day mate, here in Australia zoo we got some pretty angry crocs” I did in an Australian accent.

“Wow, genuinely thought you were Australian for a minute there” Alfie said, then winked at me.

Winked at me.

Winked. At. Me,

There was a knock on the door “PIZZA!” I shouted in excitement.

The boys looked at me like I had grown three heads and I looked down and felt myself blushing, hearing them laugh and Joe went to get the pizza and came back, getting out plates.

Why did I always have to embarrass myself?

We all sat down and grabbed our pizza. Once I put it to my lips, I suddenly felt really self-conscious eating in front of the boys…what if I bit into it and a long string of cheese just dangled from it onto my face or something?!

I looked round the table and all the boys seemed to be paying no attention, only focused on eating the pizza in front of them.

I cautiously took a bite and realized they weren’t going to suddenly all stare at me, pointing and laugh.


10 minutes later and the pizza had all gone, we had cleared up and I had gone up to my room to re-do my makeup from Alfie and I’s video. We then recorded a video for Alfie’s channel of me doing his makeup.  He looked pretty funny.

Marcus then knocked on the door and came in, ready for our accents video.

We proceeded to greet the camera and hold up different types of accents on paper for the other person to try and perform. Let’s just say Marcus needs a little more practise…

We finished up and headed downstairs, Joe, Chai and Alfie were in the sitting room discussing something.

“Well yeah, it is pretty late so if you’re sure Joe, that would be great!” Alfie grinned.

“What’s happening?” Marcus interrupted, making our presence known. He stepped forward and our arms were touching. I looked up towards the boys and my eyes met Alfie, he was flicking his stare between Marcus and I and there was a hint of something in his yes I couldn’t place…

“I was just saying, seeing as its pretty late you guys are welcome to stay over. Even if you set off now you won’t get back to Brighton till 11:00.

I looked up at the clock, wow time travels fast when you’re having fun.

“Didn’t realize the time went so quickly!” Marcus added.

“Sleepover!” exclaimed Chai, in a girly voice.

Alfie and the other boys were going to be having a sleepover….at me house…with me.


A/N: Hey guys! Hope you enjoyed this chapter, its like 700 words or something but it always seems to turn out shorter on wattpad ahah :) So i was writing for a while and had like 1,135 words and decided to split the chapter into two, so they second half will be up early tomorrow!
I will probably have the chapter after that written tomorrow too so COMMENT if you want 2 updates tomorrow?

Overwhelmed by the amount of support i have had from you guys in the 4 short days that this story has been posted for! Like 50 reads away from 1,000! That's amazing!

If you are enjoying this story it would help me out SO MUCH if you posted the link on twitter/tumblr/wattpad/facebook or wherever!

Also really want to know your thoughts so:


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