15. The Boys

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Chapter 15: The boys

Alfie’s POV:

I was glad that Joe wasn’t angry at me anymore and the tension in the room had dramatically dropped.  By now it was getting late and I could only assume that Joe and Zoe had to go home soon.

I was proven right as Joe took a swift glance at his watch, stood up and announced “We better be off now, it’s getting late and we need to drive back, thanks for having us guys!”

I found my gaze drift down to Zoe momentarily to see a slight look of disappointment, but it was gone the next second.  She stood up, hugged us all and made her way out the door. My mind seemed to have wondered because before I knew it they had gone. I relished in the memory of her hug. Jesus I’m turning girly!

Chai, Marcus and I sat back down on the couches.

“You guys gonna go to vidcon that’s coming up this year?” Marcus asked, it was ages away but because it was in America we needed to plan early.

“I got an email from the organisers about it, inviting me but just need to sort stuff out, we should go together?” I suggested.

Marcus nodded in agreement then looked to Chai, he looked slightly disappointed “I haven’t got enough subscribers to get invited yet” he shrugged “plus I can’t really afford to go at the moment anyway.”

I felt bad, I wish we could go with Chai together, I had done a collaboration idea with him on both our channels to try and boost his subscribers, it had worked but he hadn’t quiet got the qualifying number yet.

“There’s always next year” I told him, trying to lighten the mood “and summer in the city!”  I remembered.

“You are going to summer in the city, right?” Marcus asked Chai.

“Yeah, sure! Sounds fun” his mood seemed to brighten.

“Well, I should probably get back now” I told them, Chai got up with me.

“Going back to stalk Zoe on facebook are we?” Marcus winked at me.

“No! Shut up” I laughed at him, shaking my head.

“See you tomorrow, Marcus” Chai waved.

We saw ourselves out and walked down to the road. Chai and I lived a few houses down from each other, practically next door neighbours, which was pretty convenient.

“Later mate!” I waved at Chai as I unlocked my front door.

“Hey mum, dad!” I called up the stairs.

“Alfie, where have you been?” my mum asked, not angrily, I was old enough to go where I wanted, just curiously.

“Round Marcus’ with Chai, Joe and Zoe” I felt my voice higher a little when I said her name.

“I see…” my mum smirked when I mentioned Zoe’s name.

I rolled my eyes and walked up to my room, kicking off my shoes and jumping on my bed I turned my laptop on.  

I opened up my editing software and finished off editing a vlog I filmed the other day while we were all in Brighton, I decided I would upload it tomorrow.

I opened up my facebook, twitter, youtube and tumblr tabs. I found myself scrolling through tumblr, reblogging a few things viewers had tagged me in. About an hour later I found myself clicking on the Zalfie tag…it just happened, okay? Okay.

There was loads of screenshots from me and Zoe’s collaboration together, even a few gifs. Some people had even collaged photos of us together. Wow.

I found myself saving a few of them onto my laptop…only for the reasons my viewers had spent a lot of time and effort and it was only a nice thing to do…

I went onto twitter and scrolled through my timeline, one tweet from Zoe caught my attention.

“@Zozeebo: Such a fun day today back in Brighton with @Marcusbutler @mynameschai @pointlessblog and @joe_sugg thanks guys! Xx”

A cheeky smile came on my face as I clicked reply to her tweet.

“@PointlessBlog: @Zozeebo Thanks for helping me with my post, I’m still stronger though :P xx”

I hoped she would find this funny and not creepy…too late now anyway.

I put my laptop on the side and shrugged off my top and jeans, getting into bed and pulling the covers over me then bringing my laptop onto my stomach.

I spent the next hour replying to some tweets and comments on mine and Zoe’s video until I finally decided to shut off my laptop and go to bed.

You might be able to guess who my dreams revolved around…

 A/N: Another chapter in Alfie's POV, do you guys like it or prefer Zoe's or both?

I'm off ill from school today so had a little time to write this! Also, if you havn't already go over to my other story starbucks (its a 1D fan fic) and check that out if you want :D


9,000 READS THIS IS AMAZINGGG!!!!!!!!!! Wonder how long it will take till 10,000 :D ahaha wow that will be a milestone!

OMMENT OF THE CHAPTER: Where did you find this story? Tumblr, twitter, a list on wattpad?? Comment below + what your thoughts are on this chapter and my favorite comment will get a shoutout in the next chapter :D


Twitter: @MalikgangUK
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