31. Meeting Mum

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Ficmas: Day 4

Chapter 31: Meeting Mum

“I-I mean…I meant to say…I didn’t mean…oh god…shit…I meant as a ….” I struggled over my words and soon gave up, attempting to save my dignity and ended my kufuffle with a ‘ah fuck’.

Alfie’s eyes twinkled in amusement ‘Honestly Zoe, I think you need to slow things down a bit, falling for my beautiful looks and good charm already!” he winked, joking.

I sent him a look of relief and silently thanked him. That could have gotten awkward quickly.

Once the situation with the fan settled down a little, and I got over my nervous babbles to Alfie; we decided it was time to say our goodbyes to black gang chine for another few years, until nostalgia kicked in again and we were compelled to come and visit.

We were back at home now, Alfie was still here as we had just gotten back; we were in the sitting room watching an episode of vampire diaries, I had convinced Alfie to watch it.

My mum walked in “Oh, Alfie!” she exclaimed, this being their first proper meeting.

I bit my lip and stifled a giggle at Alfie’s nervousness, he stood up and my mum walked over to him.

“Hi Mrs Sugg!” He waved politely.

“Oh nonsense, none of that in this family! It’s so great to finally meet you, all Zoe does is talk about you non-stop!” she exclaimed.

Alfie let out a quite snort and turned to me with a cheeky grin.

“I do not! Mum!” I whined.  

“Oh dear, Alfie, it’s a long drive back to London! It’s getting dark and it won’t be safe for you to drive for hours, why don’t you stay the night? I’m sure Zoe would love for you to stay the weekend, even? How does that sound?” Mum said all too eagerly.

I was beginning to think she liked Alfie a little too much…

Alfie turned to me hesitantly and I nodded at him, smiling.

“Sure, sounds great! Thanks!” he replied.

“Brilliant! I’m afraid the spare room is rather occupied at the minute, this kids have all their filming crap in there! You can pick the sofa if you want, although I’m sure Zoe won’t mind sharing her bed with you, though! No funny business though! Okay, I’m off to make some dinner!” my mum rushed out.

“Mum!” I shouted in embarrassment.

Alfie turned to me and tried to hide his laugh.

“She likes to talk a lot, doesn’t she?” I giggled.

“Maybe just a little” Alfie laughed “I like her though!” he concluded.

It will probably be an hour or so before dinner is ready, wanna go upstairs?” I suggested.

Alfie agreed and we trenched upstairs to my room; we sat down on the bed and got my laptop out. I got an alert on my emails from younow.

“Ah shit!” I cursed.

“What?” Alfie asked, concerned.

“I have my younow broadcast in 5 minutes and I completely forgot!” I explained.

I look of thought crossed Alfie’s features.

“Okay, you do the broadcast, and I’ll hang with Joe because we don’t want anyone to suspect anything, right?” Alfie suggested.

I nodded in agreement “Okay, I might call you guys in for a bit though, later.” I told him, sticking my tongue out.

Alfie kissed me on the cheek and sauntered off towards Joe’s room. I went back to my laptop and clicked onto the website, waiting in line as I started tweeting the link and posting on all my social media sites, alerting my viewers I was doing a broadcast.

Soon my time was up and I clicked ‘allow’ on my camera and my pea head popped up to over 10,000 people watching.

“Hey guys!” I waved to the camera.

For the next few minutes the only thoughts that ran through my head, distracting me slightly from the answers to viewers questions I was giving, was the fact I nearly told Alfie I loved him.

Sure I didn’t really mean it in that way….but I was starting to wonder:

Did I love Alfie?

 A/N: Hope you liked! It's getting harder and harder to update! ahah :)

Overwhlemed by the amount of votes you guys are giving!

Be sure to keep voting and i would love some mroe comments on this chapter :D xx

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