36. London

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Ficmas: I failed you

Also my #965 on fan fiction has gone :( probably cos im a shitty updater

Chapter 36: London

We managed to catch the train in time, we ended up running...but we still managed to catch it. We had scored ourselves a little table with 2 seats on either side, facing each other. Although the train journey would be less than 1 hour, I took this as the perfect opportunity to get my laptop out and start making a few changes, editing my most recent video.

Alfie, who was sitting next to me, pulled out his vlogging camera from his bag and started pointing the lens at me.

"Here, on the train, we find ourselves a rare, wild species...zoella!" Alfie announced, in a fake David Attenbrough voice.

I rolled my eyes playfully and poked my tongue out at the camera. Alfie flipped the camera to Joe.

"Oh yeah, Joe's here too." Alfie said boredly which earned a giggle from me.

Alfie then started to explain where we were going and who we were meeting in London; I had brought my camera with me but was hesitant to vlog, as my mind would be on trying to make sure nobody else caught Alfie and I's relationship on camera.

Alfie turned his camera off and put it back in the bag, from beneath the table i moved my hand next to his and he grasped it in return, resulting in us holding hands.


"We are now arriving at London Bridge" the over com announced.

All three of us quickly got up, and Alfie and I's hands were pulled away from eachother, having no other option incase a viewer bumped into us. I firmly pulled my handbag on my shoulder, securing it with the paranoia of getting mugged or someone stealing something out my bag.

The train came to an abruprt halt and we excited through the doors, following Joe who took the lead out of the station. On the way out me and Alfie spotted a starbucks and quickly glanced at eachother, nodding.

"Joeeeeee?" I pleaded, with puppy dog eyes.

"No. No! Absaloubtly not. We will be late!" Joe said sternly.

"We will get it to go!" Alfie whined.

Joe rolled his eye and sigh in defeat "Fine."

We skipped into Starbucks, Alfie letting me go before him in the que claiming "Ladie's first."

I couldn't help but swoon.

"What can I get you?" The cashier asked me, he was a young male, around my age I could only asume. He started eyeing me up which made me a little uncomfortable.

"Um, a mocha frappachino please." I rushed out, wanting this conversation to quickly be over.

"Sure thing." He winked.

He winked at me.....um?

Alfie stepped forward and wrapped his arm around my waist, causing the cashiers head to glance at him in a frustrated way.

"Same here, mate." Alfie ordered.

The guy nodded and started making the drink. I unconsciously dipped my head in further to Alfie's arm, getting closer to him which brought a smirk on his face.

The guy came back with our drinks and I started to reach round to my bag to get my purse out. Alfie dug in his pocket and slapped a £10 note down on the counter.

"Aw thanks, Alf!" I hugged him closer.

He eyes the cashier while saying "No problem babe, anything for my girl."

That was literally the cutest thing ever to come out of Alfie's mouth. He handed me my drink and we headed over to Joe who stood with a smirk on his lips by the doorway.

"Someone's caught the jealousy monster!" Joe sang to Alfie.

"Shut up!" Alfie playfully joked back.

We started walking out the shop and towards the destination where we would meet the other youtubers.

Alfie's hand disspeared from around my waist, incase anyone recognized us.

I got on my tip toes and whispered in his ear "It's okay, i thought it was really cute!" I pecked him on the cheek then skipped infront quickly to walk by Joe.

I looked behind me and Alfie shook his head and laughed.

If i had any doubts before, they were all gone now.

I knew.

A/N: OO what did she realize???


Really want to try and get this story back on the fan fiction charts xx

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