23. Girlfriend

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Chapter 23: Girlfriend

I shifted in his arms so we were facing each other. My eyes scanned his face, seeing if there were any signs of this being a joke. There were none.

“Y-you like me?” Alfie asked me, nervously.

I nodded, blushing deep red.

“Yeah.” I managed to breathe out.

“Good,” he paused which scared me a little, oh god he was going to reject me! “Because I like you a lot too..” he seemed more confident now.

A big smile unconsciously came onto my face which he seemed to enjoy because one came onto his too.

“Zoe..?” he said in a lower octave, a more serious voice.

I started to get nervous now. What is he going to say?

“Alfie…?” I mirrored.

He coughed; clearing his throat “I know it’s still early days, but…” he paused.

I was pretty sure that with each second that went by my heartbeat quickened.

“But…” he repeated “I was wondering if you…if you wanted to go out with me?” he rushed out.

My eyes widened and I quickly nodded.

 “I would like that a lot.” I admitted, smiling again.

Alfie smiled back and brought me into his chest further, into a hug. He didn’t let go so our hug turned into a cuddle.

What did ‘going out’ mean though? Were we just going on dates…seeing each other a lot? Or were we girlfriend and boyfriend. I desperately wanted to clarify this with Alfie but suddenly felt extremely awkward. It sounded really clingy asking if we were girlfriend and boyfriend seconds after he just asked me out…right?

“You have no idea how long I’ve waited to ask you to be my girlfriend!” Alfie laughed while blushing.

I guess that cleared things up…


“You have no idea how long I’ve waited for you to ask me.” I winked, laughing.

Alfie stuck his tongue out playfully then whispered “Night night girlfriend!”

I snuggled into his chest closer, feeling suddenly very comfortable being with him “Night Night boyfriend!” I chuckled.

I rested like that for a while until I felt Alfie’s breathing even out telling me his was asleep. I soon followed him and darkness overtook my vision.




Sunlight simmered into the room through the peak in the curtains and I squinted my eyes and groaned as nature disturbed me from me slumber.

A low chuckled voiced from behind me, arms tightening around my waist and I froze for a second before the memories of the night before came flooding back and I quickly realized it was Alfie.

I sigh in contentment and lifted my head up to look at him and smiled.

“Morning.” Alfie smirked at me, in his morning voice.

I gulped then managed a small smile back “Morning!” I muttered.

I snuggled closer to his chest and yawned.

Suddenly the door burst open and Louise stood there with her arms crossed, in her pyjamas with a huge smirk on her face and her eyebrows raised expectantly.

“What’s going on here then?”

She took in Alfie and I’s position and her eyes flicked between our bodies, noticing that our legs were tangled in each other’s.

“Ummm….” I trailed off, not coming up with words.

“She’s my girlfriend!” Alfie told her bluntly but happily.

I blushed deeply and felt my cheeks heating up. My eyes met Louise’s and I looked at her sheepishly.

She broke out into a smile “I’m really happy for you both! Finally!” She exclaimed.

“Finally!” Alfie breathed into my ear.

I still couldn’t believe that Alfie Deyes, PointlessBlog, was my boyfriend.

And I was scared to admit it, he’d only asked me out last night but I think, think, I am falling for him…

A/N: Finallyyy! Sorry it took so long, I started writing this chapter last week then went on holiday without uploading so i couldnt write any more or update while i was on holiday! 

Also wattpad ended up somehow removing the last 3 chapters of this somehow unknown to me, so sorry if this affected you! I was confused about it too but got them back luckily!

32,000 reads is crazy...I dont even have words apart from thank you so much!

I WENT TO THE ISLE OF WIGHT THE OTHER DAY ON HOLIDAY AND WENT TO BLACKGANG CHINE LIKE ZOE, ALFIE AND JOE DID AND OMG IT WAS SO GOOD! I saw all the things that were in their vlogs and had many fan girl moments aahah :D

Also i need YOUR opinion on something. I've been researching into it and i was thinking when this book is finished about publishing it. I can do it on itunes book store, amazon kindle and actually get hard copies of the book.

SO out of interest would any of you be interested in buying the book or having a physical copy of it in the near future? It would be an amazing oppertunity for me to actually PUBLISH a book, especailly this one! But i cant do it without you guys and your support so please comment below if you would be interested in me doing this!

Thank you!! :D 

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