50. The End

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Chapter 50: The end

They knew.

 About us.

"No, no. No! How, how did it get out?" I jumped up, now on my feet and stood in front of Alfie, demanding answers.

Alfie's brows furrowed and he let out a defeated sigh "Jim."

I froze, a sense of betrayal over took me and shock washed through my system, I could start to feel the all too familiar feeling of an anxiety attack approaching.

"But...but why would he do that?" I searched Alfie's eyes, desperately seeking answers.

Alfie flopped on the bed "It was in a vlog from two days ago, he was filming you when he got your laptop screen saver in the front of the video, he must not have realized but all the subscribers did. It's all over social media. Jim's deleted the video though..." Alfie began to near a whisper, a little calmer now.

I sat next to him on the bed and I could feel my breaths getting quicker and quicker.

"It's fine! We can cover it up, I can say it's someone else. Or not even us! Just a couple that I thought was cute or something! An ex-boyfriend?" I grabbed my laptop from the bed, now openly cursing at my screen saver. How could I have been so stupid?

I frantically pulled open the twitter tab and started to compose a tweet.

Alfie nodded "Yeah, for now that's good." He seemed to be trying to convince himself "but sooner or later when we do admit it, it will make it 100 times worse." His voice fell.

I glanced back to my tweet, the jumble of words I had written didn't even make sense to me, but I clicked send regardless.

I pushed my laptop away from me and shut the lid "It's probably a good idea if we both stay off social media for a while..." Alfie suggested; a sorry look on his face.

I nodded, agreeing with him.

"I wish things could just be easy!" I started to feel a tear run down my cheek and I leaned into Alfie whom automatically wrapped his arm around my shoulders and brought me into his chest. He stroked my hair and hushed soothing words to me.

"I love you, Alfie."

"I love you too, little one."

I heard Alfie sigh after a moment "We probably shouldn't share a room then..."

I groaned "I guess so, I'll ask Louise to switch."

I approached Louise's room, ready to knock when suddenly the door swung open.

"ZOE!" Louise had a panicked look on her face and her eyes searched mine desperately.

She didn't give me a moment to speak before she grabbed my arm and dragged me in, shutting the door behind her.

"They know!" she blurted out, of course I knew what she was talking about now, but who did she mean by 'they'?

"I know Jim accidentally leaked it...but what do you mean 'they know'?" I asked, sternly at the end.

Louise's face suddenly dropped and became a pitied expression "It's everywhere, all over tumblr and twitter. The subscribers knew it was you and Alfie in the picture, and now so does everyone staying here. All the youtubers that didn't know already have heard about it. They know it's true, the way you and Alfie were acting so close the whole of Playlist! Jim took it down straight away but they'd already connected the dots..."

"But we can fix this." I walked further into the empty room, my voice breaking.

"Zoe..." Louise said cautiously.

ZALFIE (Watty Awards 2013 WINNER)Where stories live. Discover now