7. Open Arms

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Chapter 7: Open Arms

The film started and as the music loudened and the atmosphere of the film was set I felt myself leaning closer to Alfie as the film began.

I mean you need a nice, strong, cuddly guy to protect you from these ghost and ghouls, right?

I didn’t want to pay attention to the film, I knew I would get nightmares…but who would know if I played it up a bit…right?

I felt Alfie flex his arm that was around my shoulders, I took this opportunity to scoot closer to him and although he didn’t look away from the TV I saw a faint smile play on his lips.

I waited a little longer, paying minimal attention to the film but flinching a few time due to the sudden screams the stupid characters let out, like why do you go towards the mysterious noise?!

I subtly lowered my head inch by inch and rested my head against Alfie’s shoulder, although what he did next surprised me. He put his other arm round me and brought me completely against his chest. I buried my head in his chest to hide my blush but found myself slowly drifting off due to his warm, comforting chest. Next thing I knew I was asleep on Alfie…

I felt a slight movement from under me then felt myself being lifted into the air by strong, warm arms.

“Guys where shall I put Zoe?” I heard a soft whisper, while warm breath fanned my face.

“In your sleeping bag” another whisper added, then a light chuckle.

I then felt myself being carried across the room, silently praising the person who managed to carry me. Then I was softly placed onto the floor, a blanket surrounding me then the person joined me, very close and put an arm round me.

When my head hit the pillow I fell back into a deep sleep.

I woke up, and stretched my arms out a little and opened my eyes, only to realize I was trapped in by a pair of fairly muscly arms. My eyes followed up to the source of the arms and found a sleeping faced Alfie.  He looked so peaceful while sleeping, I didn’t realize I was starring till his eyes suddenly shot open and he whispered “BOO!”

If the phrase to ‘shit one’s self’ ever was used, it would be now. In other words he scared the crap out of me.

“See something you like?” he winked.

I could feel my cheeks heating up which was a giveaway “I-I was starring!” I defended.

Alfie smirked and raised an eyebrow at me.

“I mean WASN’T! Wasn’t starring…” If blushing more was possible, that would be what I was doing.

Keep in mind this conversation was happening while me and Alfie were still next to each other, him shirtless in a confined sleeping bag…

 A/N: Sorry its kind of short but i only have limited time to write chapters now i am back at school, any who i got a lot more comments on the last chapter and i am so thankful to you all!

The comment of the last chapter is from milliecatonn :D Thanks for commenting twice :)

Hope you all enjoyed and going to write tomorrow's chapter now! Also the reads are going insane on this, nearly 2,300!!! THANK YOU!!

Nearly got 400 twitter followers too so if you have an account please go follow me @malikgangUK just tweet me and i will follow you back!!

COMMENT OF THE DAY: Where did you find this story? Tumblr, twitter, a list on wattpad?? Comment below + what your thoughts are on this chapter and my favorite comment will get a shoutout in the next chapter :D


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