22. Sleepover

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Chapter 22: Sleepover

After we had eaten dinner I questioned Louise about the sleeping arrangements.

“So, where are we gonna be sleeping?” I asked cheerfully, ready for a long, well-earned night’s sleep.

Louise’s eyes twinkled as a mischievous smile planted itself on her face.

“Well, I was thinking, if you don’t mind of course you could both sleep down here on the sofa?” Louise’s eyes flickered from Alfie to me.

“You don’t mind, do you? “She questioned ‘innocently’.

Alfie shrugged and shook his head “That’s fine with me.”

I put a tight smile on my face while looking Louise in the eyes “Not a problem!”

“Right okay, I’ll just go get the sheets and bedding!” Louise giggled, overly excited.

I rolled my eyes jokingly and stood up and collected in the plates, Alfie following suit.

“I’ll be right down to help, Zoe. I’m just gonna put Darcy to bed!” Matt whispered the last part, motioning to Darcy who was half asleep, tightly clutching her teddy bear.

I silently aww’d at the pair, Darcy’s cute little innocent face!

“You wash, I dry?”

My gaze suddenly shifter to Alfie who look at me questioningly with a tea towel swinging from his hands.

“S-sure” I stuttered in reply.

Once we had finished the washing up Louise had come down with many pillows and blankets in her hands and dumped them on the sofa me and Alfie would be sleeping on.

“The TV’s all yours! Night guys!” Louise told us, then going back upstairs into bed with Matt.

I went over to the sofa and started arranging all the pillows into a makeshift bed, then Alfie jumped onto the sofa, messing up one side of the pillows with a big grin on his face.

“That’s your side…” I smirked.

“Oh…” the grin dropped from his face.

“I’m just gonna go…change into my pyjamas” I pointed to the door and slowly started backing out while Alfie watched me, laughing.

I picked up my bag from the next room and went into the bathroom to get changed into my pyjama shorts and t-shirt then pulled my onesie  that was white with floral print over the top.

I took my bag then dumped it down and knocked on the sitting room door, to make sure Alfie was done.

“You dressed..?” I hesitantly asked at the door.


I opened the door and jumped onto the sofa next to him.

“What do you wanna watch?” Alfie asked, shifting closer to me.

“Ummm…” I was thinking.

“Do you watch breaking bad?” Alfie asked hopefully.

“Yes! It’s amazing!” I said a little too excited, and then blushed when I realized Alfie was snickering at me.

“Wanna watch that then?” he chuckled.

“Sure!” I replied eagerly.

He took out his phone then this weird cable looking thing, he plugged one end into his phone and the other into the tv and then Netflix came on the screen.

“Wow, how’d u do that?” I asked, confused.

“Magic!” he winked, coming to sit next to me…closer than before may I add.

Alfie selected the most current episode and it began to play.

“What if I get scared?” I pouted, sarcastically at first but I don’t think Alfie realized this.

“Then your hero will be here to protect you.” he replied, sounding smug.

So he was using my own words against me…hmmm.

“That’s lucky for me then” I replied, sticking out my tongue.

The episode started to play and things were getting a little gory for my liking.

Alfie suddenly put his arm over my shoulders and pulled me in closer to his chest, so I was cuddled against it.

“Thanks.” I whispered.

I felt myself get very comfortable…almost too comfortable against Alfie’s chest. I slowly started to drift into sleep.

My head rested against Alfie’s chest and rose in time with his breathing.

He suddenly whispered out, thinking I was now asleep.

“I really like you Zoe.” and placed a chaste kiss on my head.

I froze for a second but his words were playing through my mind.

“I really like you too, Alfie” I found myself whispering back.

Alfie went still for a second, realizing I had heard him.

“Fuck” he breathed.

 A/N: oooo! Things are getting serious now! Sorry its short but i'm working on the next chapter now and will post it today as soon as I'm done! :D 

Hope you enjoyed!

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I'm so overwhlemed by your comments, votes and reads on the last chapter! You pretty much doubled what i said is my goal :D

25,000 reads...when i logged on and found this out i actually did a little happy dance in my computer room :')

Your the best! So any thoughts on what we should call this little community?? xx

I also got bbm on my phone now, took em ages but if any of you have it and want to add me post on my message board on here or jsut fan and meesage me :D

I would REALLY love it it some more of you guys could 'fan' me :D xx

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