30. Viewers

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Ficmas: Day 3

chapter 30: Viewers

Well that was quite an experience...Alfie was still complaining about nearly dropping his camera off the ride 20 minutes later on the second ride round. It was actually quite amusing.

 three of us went back to our original plan of getting a hot chocolate; we were walking over to the cafe, Alfie and I holding hands being all romantic when I heard a slightly high pitched voice call excitedly.


My eyes widened and i felt myself stiffen automatically at the situation i had been caught in. Alfie's hand suddenly dropped out of mine and i frowned at the sudden action, my hand feeling colder and alone already.

I slowly turned around and put a big, practised fake smile on my face.

"Hi!" I waved to the short, brunette girl who looked utterly shocked as her eyes scanned over Joe, Alfie and myself.

"Um, wow! Well this is a coincidence!" the girl seemed lost for words, i still found it weird how i had this effect on people.

It seemed that she was completely oblivious to the fact Alfie and I were holding hands like a couple only a few seconds ago. I counted this as a gift from heaven, this could have all gone so wrong if she would have noticed. We really needed to be more careful in public...this sucked.

I realize it had been a few seconds none of us had said anything so i let out an awkward laugh.

"Oh, is it okay if i get a picture?" the girl asked timidly.

"Sure!" Joe said eagerly.

By this time Alfie had taken out his vlogging camera and started unsubtly filming the girl. I let out a snort.

The girl started fluttering her eyelashes at the camera, or Alfie. I couldn't really tell but i wasn't taking any chances.

"Okay, so picture?" i insisted, trying to quicken the exchange.

She nodded and took out her camera phone, pointing it at us as we all huddled together.

"Well nice meeting you, bye!" I waved and grabbed Alfie's arm, pulling him away.

"Somebody's jealous..."Alfie teased as he wore a big smirk on his face.

I gave him a serious frown and shook my head in a 'no' motion; Alfie raised his eyebrow at me in a 'really' expression which turned my frown upside down and i began laughing.

"Love you really!" i laughed.

Alfie tensed up a second and i just realized what I had said.

Oh shit.

A/N: sorry not edited! As soon as im on a proper computer i will change it to capital i's etc...so sorry hope its not too tough to read!



actually so proud of myself that ive done 3 days of ficmas succesfully :D

Dedicated to jenniferwilson5 for the idea of a fan fincding them, thanks!

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