Psychopaths Cause Promotions

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"Captain Lance. Bruce has returned with the Strongheart family."

Said an officer of the Oregon State Patrol to his superior.

"Good, put the Strongheart family in one of the safe rooms, and tell Officer Taftner to meet me over in secure room 5. I need his help."

The Officer did what he was told and quickly ran down the hall to go and get Taftner. Captain Lance immediately walked over to secure room 5 where Adam had been taken after the attack at the senate building had happened. When he got to the door, he grabbed a file and awaited the arrival of his fellow policeman. It didn't take Taftner very long to get there, and when he did, Lance gave him the run down on what was about to happen.

"This crazy bastard tells me yesterday that this Death Trap group is going to take over the nation starting with the senate building. He says that information is valuable enough for a full pardon. Well when he starts talking about teenagers taking over an entire nation, I immediately have him taken away and locked up because it's not possible. But you saw the news. A random fire caused by a god damn gas leak burned down the senate building, and all the senators of this nation have mysteriously vanished. So we're going to go in there and make this little shit tell us what else he knows, then we're gonna lock him up for terrorism and make sure Death Trap gets what they deserve."

Officer Taftner nodded and followed his captain through the door. When they got in the secure room, Adam was locked to the floor and table and was wearing a white jump suit because he had previously been in the state prison. Captain Lance opened the file he had, threw some of the photos on the table and began speaking.

"Alright smart ass! Tell us everything you know and tell us now!"

Adam looked at the two officers and smiled.

"Captain Lance, you should know by now I'm not going to talk unless you listen and keep your end of the deal we made."

Lance slammed his hand on the table and pointed at Adam.

"We're done making deals! Either you tell us now, or we will drag your ass out of this room and send you soaring through the window to fall straight to hell!"

Captain Lance was furious. Not only was he furious about the senate incident, but he was furious about the lives Adam was putting in danger by wasting time by playing games.

"Captain, you wont do that. Because if I die, my information dies with me. Then you would be responsible for all the things that Death Trap does, and all the people they hurt and possibly kill. So, if you want me to talk, you will give me a full pardon."

Captain Lance looked over at Bruce. You could see the fury in his eyes, so Taftner stepped in before Lance did something drastic.

"Look kid, we can't make you a deal because this has gone from a crime to a terrorist attack on the nation and you were involved with the group who is doing these terrorist acts. I'm sorry, but your stuck in prison with a life sentence. But if you actually want to die with a clean conscience, then do the right thing and give us the information you have."

Taftner said this with kindness and grabbed the files that were thrown on the table and began walking out. Before the two could leave, they heard a small laugh from Adam. They turned and looked over at the suspect and saw he had a big smile on his face.

"You think I'm going to stay locked up? No. Soon I'll be leaving this filthy shit hole. When I do, you'll see that I have been trying to help you this whole time."

Bruce and Lance looked at each other in confusion, then back to Adam who was still smiling.

"What do you mean?"

Asked Taftner.

"I mean I'm not affiliated with Death Trap and never have been. The group I'm with started back in the seventeen hundreds and has been saving this nation everyday since then. I have my sources outside of this station, and any moment they're going to get me out of here. By the time you realize what has happened to me, I'll have immunity from you and every other station in the whole U.S. You'll be begging my forgiveness after we wipe out Death Trap and everyone involved in it, including the girl you have over in one of the safe room just two halls over. Olivia I believe her is name. You can bet your ass that she'll be taken care of when I leave this place."

The two Officers were shocked at the response they had just received. Who was this guy? How did someone so young have this much knowledge and confidence in getting out of the station? How did he know about Olivia being in the safe room two halls over? These are thoughts that really puzzled the two cops. As they left the room, they called over some guards to watch the door and keep an eye on the prisoner inside. They informed the guards that no one was to enter without either Captain Lance or Officer Taftner present.

After making sure Adam was securely locked up, the two officers walked over to the safe room to get Victoria, Lauren and especially Olivia to a safe place away from all the psychos looking for them.

"Okay ladies, we need to leave immediately."

Victoria looked at Taftner and spoke.


Taftner answered.

We're not sure, but we think Death Trap knows you're here and are planning on attacking the station next. Adam knew not only that you were brought here, but what room you are in, so we need to get you all out of here as quickly, safely, and quietly as we can so no one knows where you are."

Without hesitation, the three girls got up and followed the two officers back outside where the night sky was illuminated by the glowing red wall that revealed the lost state of California.

"Okay ladies, the best of luck to you. Officer Taftner, if for some reason something should happen to me, I want you to know that you're the best partner a man could ever ask for in the police force. And with that said, I promote you to Captain, and give you my badge."

Captain Lance handed the badge over to Taftner and shook his hand.

"You deserve this more than anyone here. I'm sorry we couldn't have a celebration for this promotion, but under the circumstances, I think you understand. Now take these three over to North Dakota and talk to the Officer in charge of there state patrol, he will get the girls to a safe place, and keep all these nut jobs away from them."

With his last order from Captain Lance given, he helped the girl into his car and began driving them northeast to there next destination. Olivia and Lauren looked through the back window and watched as Captain Lance slowly got smaller and smaller until he faded from their sight. Olivia was afraid that would be the last time she saw the Captain, but hopped to see him again someday after all the chaos ends so she could thank him for everything he had done. Her and Lauren looked at each other with tears in their eyes and held each others hands. Captain Taftner couldn't hold back his tears either as he thought about his Captain, friend, and partner for the last ten years was left in a station that containing a crazed psychopath. A station that was possibly going to be attacked. As he looked back at the building, he uttered some words under his breath.

"Goodbye partner......and good luck"

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