No More Screw Ups

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It was a dark night out. A satisfying night. No cars on the road so it was quiet. Too quiet. There was only one person walking around. Adam. When he got to the corner of the street he was on, he stopped and looked around. When he saw no one, he pulled out his phone and sent a quick text. Within a couple of minutes a black limo pulled up and the back door opened letting out a large cloud of thick smoke. Adam quickly got in and sat in one of the seats. Across from him there was someone sitting, but there was so much smoke in the car you could only slightly see this persons face when he raised his cigar up for a long puff of smoke to fill and satisfy his lungs, but Adam knew it was his brother. Neither of them spoke until the limo started moving.

"How does it feel to be a free man?"

Adam smiled when Zachariah said this.

"It feels good. No more damn patrolman on my back, all because little Tyler Taftner believed the lies I told him about Death Trap."

Adam chuckled at this, while Zachariah smiled with the cigar in his mouth.

"Good. How much does he know?"

Zachariah asked while blowing out some more smoke.

"I told him exactly what you told me to say. He thinks dead captain Lance was working with Death Trap, Taftner was his partner in crime, and that he's mentoring Aiden."

Adam chuckled again.

"I know all that. I meant what did you tell him about us?"

Adam looked at his brother and answered.

"I told him I was part of an organization that has been in affect since the declaration was signed in 1776. I told him we've been like an ultimate secret service to protect the government and watch over the people to make sure they make the right decisions, and when we feel like elected leaders are conspiring against the nation, we are obligated to take them out."

Zachariah chuckled at this and lifted his other hand to his mouth. Adam couldn't see what it was, but knew by the sound of the ice in a glass that his brother was taking a drink of something. When he finished taking his drink, Zachariah leaned forward to put his glass down and Adam finally saw his face for the first time since he got in the car. Zachariah motioned Adam to lean forward, so he did.

"You've done well Adam. I'm proud of you."

Adam smiled.

"Thank you. I'm trying."

Zachariah smiled and nodded while holding out his hand. Adam grabbed it and they shook, but when Adam went to pull his hand away, Zachariah didn't let go. He looked at his brother wondering what was going on. Zachariah took another big puff and flicked the ash onto a golden ash tray.

"If you ever end up in the news again for murdering someone, or get caught on camera again doing your job and fuck up that badly again."

Zachariah paused for a moment and pushed his cigar on Adams hand. He tried to pull away, but his brother was too strong. All Adam could do was groan in pain.

"I will fuck you up so bad people will piss blood when they see you."

Zachariah held the cigar on for a few more seconds, then released his hand. Adam quickly retracted and held it to his chest. Zachariah put the end of his cigar in the ash tray and pulled out new one and lit it. When it was lit, he grabbed a bottle and refilled his glass with some Vodka. He took a sip and moved to sit next to Adam.

"Do we have an understanding?"

Adam nodded his head quickly. Zachariah took another sip of vodka, then put his cigar in his mouth. When the cigar was firmly placed between his teeth, Zachariah grabbed Adam's hand and looked at the burn.

"Come on, it's no that bad."

After he said this, he poured his glass of vodka on it and Adam screamed in agony as the alcohol burned through his wound. Zachariah put the glass down and hit a button on the roof of the limo which immediately slowed down to a stop. Zachariah opened his door and grabbed Adam by the neck to throw him out. Zachariah then closed the door and rolled down the window.

"Remember Adam. Keep Tyler close. If anyone can find Death Trap, it's him."

Zachariah took another puff from his cigar and blew the smoke out the window.

"And one more thing Adam. When Tyler finds them, I want this Skullfire guy alive. I want to personally put his head on a stick so I can put in my backyard."

After he said this, he rolled up the window and the limo began driving away leaving Adam lying on the ground in pain holding his burned hand.

Taken Over: Sapphire of HopeWhere stories live. Discover now