Tragedy in Oregon

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Adam sat quietly in his room and stared at the chains that bound his hands to the table. He hadn't seen anything outside this room for three days, but knew everything happening outside the station. Lucky for him, the people walking around outside his door weren't very secretive whenever the door opened, and he could hear every word they were saying.

As he sat there thinking about all the recent events, the door opened, and in walked Captain Lance.

"Adam we are going to start having a problem if you don't start telling me who you're working with and what you know about Death Trap and their masked leader. Now according to you, it wont be long until you're out of here, but after hearing you say that for the last three days, I don't think that's true, so you may as well talk."

Adam looked at the captain and shook his head.

"You know captain, I'm surprised you aren't very scared right now. I mean, Death Trap has taken over Oregon and you're still working at the station. Aren't you scared they might be devising a plan to take you out?"

The captain was not happy with this response. Of course the captain was worried, but he had already set up a perimeter that was heavily guarded day and night so no one could get in to take Adam, or anyone else out of the building.

"You think you're invincible don't you? You think you can say whatever you want and not give me the information I need and you'll just walk away don't you? Well let me tell you something."

The captain walked over behind the boy as he spoke.

"You're not."

After this line, the captain grabbed Adam and threw him on the table holding him down.


When the captain finished yelling, he let Adam go and took a step back to wait for the boy to speak. But Adam didn't speak. As he laid down on the table, he actually started to laugh. The captain looked at Adam laugh hysterically on the table thinking this boy is crazy. He then walked over and grabbed the boy, and put him back in his chair. The whole time, Adam kept laughing. Finally, he calmed down enough to speak. Adam looked at the captain with a smile on his face and said.

"I wondered how much longer it would take you to do that."

After he said this, Adam grabbed the table and lifted himself up into a hand stand where he then flipped over and kicked the captain right in the chest. When Lance fell over, Adam jumped behind him, put his arms over the captain and began choking him with his cuffs. As the captain tried to pull Adam off, the boy quickly swung the captain over and smacked his head on the wall to stop him. He then spoke as he continued to strangle Lance.

"You see captain, I wasn't getting out of here without your help, and you getting upset like that is how I was going to do it. I knew you had a temper, everyone has a temper, you just have to be patient and push peoples buttons, and that's exactly what I did. When you picked me up, you broke the chains that held me to the floor and table."

Adam smiled as he watched the captain slowly die in his arms.

"Oh and to answer your question about how can I live with the death of all those people on my hands, it's easy. They aren't the first people I've helped kill."

Lance's eyes got wide when he heard this. Who was this kid?

"And don't worry, you wont be the last. Have fun for the rest of eternity stuck in a forever sleep. I'll be sure to send Captain Taftner your regards as I kill him, his daughter Lauren, and Victoria Strongheart and her daughter Olivia."

After Adam said this, he grabbed Captain Lances head and broke his neck with one swift movement. Adam then reached into the former captains pocket and pulled out the keys to his cuffs. When his cuffs were off, he walked onto the table and opened the ventilation shaft where he proceeded to crawl into to escape the station. When he got to one of the vents that were near the door, he looked around to see if there were any guards around. When he saw there were only a couple, he studied their movements to see if he could get by them without either one noticing someone was leaving. Seeing they were very diligent and kept a close watch of everything, he realized he would have to take them both out.

With his timing perfect, Adam jumped out of the vent and landed right in front of one of the guards. He covered the guards mouth, snapped his neck and grabbed his gun where he took the safety off and quickly shot the other guard before he could hear the body hit the ground. When Adam saw no one else was coming over to the dead cops, he walked over to the one he had just shot. Adam then reached over and grabbed the guards knife. He cut the guards hand open and dipped his fingers in the blood. With his fingers covered in blood he walked over to one of the walls and began writing.

When Adam had finished writing his message on the wall, he ran out the door, stole one of the patrol cars, and drove as quickly as he could away from the station.

When he had been driving for about ten minutes, he pulled over and began walking down the road, cautiously looking around for other patrol cars who might be looking for him. It didn't take long until a black car drove next to him and opened a door. Adam looked inside and saw it was friends of his, so he got in without hesitation.

"I did as you asked. I killed Captain Lance and left a message so the blame would be on Death Trap."

The other man in the backseat nodded his approval and took a puff from his cigar. When the smoke had been blown out of his mouth, he spoke to Adam in a calm voice.

"Good. Does Death Trap suspect where you are or who you're working for?"

Adam smiled his sick twisted smile and answered.

"No. As far as they know, I'm still at the station. But when it comes to their knowledge of who I work for, they don't know details, but they do know it's T.C. without a doubt."

The man took another puff of smoke before responding to this new information.

"How did they find out you are working for us?"

Adam looked over at the figure hoping he wouldn't make the man angry with his answer.

"When I asked to join Death Trap, Jake got some men to do a background checks on me to find out all the information they could get. I think from the beginning they suspected I was a traitor, but were unsure who I was with. Unfortunately, I may have let slip to Captain Lance that I was working for a group that started in the seventeen hundreds. If Captain Lance knew that information, then so does Death Trap."

The man didn't look angry when Adam told him this, instead he remained calm and continued to smoke his cigar.

"You have done well Adam."

Adam relaxed at the sound of this and responded.

"Thank you Zachariah. Are we going to headquarters?"

The man named Zachariah nodded his head and took another puff.

"There are some things we need to prepare our men for. This is the first time in years there has been an army strong enough to possibly harm T.C. and as the leader of this group, I will not watch it fall."

Adam understood Zachariah perfectly. T.C. was practically Zachariah's life, watching the organization crumble would be like watching his insides get torn out slowly.

"I will be right by your side until the end to fight these vigilantes and stop them from crippling us."

Zachariah pulled his cigar out and looked at Adam.

"I know you will. That's why I made you my second. You have the potential to be the leader someday, and I will help you achieve that by teaching you all I know. After all, we are family...little brother."

After Zachariah said this, he reached over and tapped the driver on the shoulder. Immediately the car began driving away to get to T.C. headquarters.

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