Secrets Told in the Woods

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"Okay everyone, we're gonna stop here for the night."

Taftner said pulling over in what looked like the middle of nowhere. Not only was it pitch black outside, but there was nothing to see but trees.

"Where are we?"

Olivia asked as she opened the door of the car to get out.

"Illinois. I'm sorry we can't stay in a nice hotel anymore, but you can thank Tyler for that. If we ever see him again."

Taftner said this as he walked to the trunk and began rummaging through one of his bags for a lighter and some paper to get a fire started.

"Dad can I turn on the radio and see if anything has changed?"

Taftner looked at his daughter. He wanted to say no, but he knew they'd all find out sooner or later, so he nodded his head. While she moved to the front seat to turn on the radio and go through the stations to find one that had a news broadcast, Aiden got out to make sure Olivia was okay.

"Hey, you want to go for a walk and stretch our legs?"

Before Olivia could say yes, Taftner called Aiden over. Aiden looked at Olivia, then ran over to see what Taftner needed.

"You want to help me get some firewood? I want to talk to you for a minute."

Aiden nodded and looked back at Olivia who was standing outside the car watching Lauren flip through the stations.

"Aiden. I want to thank you for your help back in Minnesota. I also realize you saw me with my son and I want you to know that even though it looked like I had no problem with what I did, I actually did."

Aiden looked at Taftner and could see how sad he felt.

"I had to do what I had to do, and it wasn't what I wanted. I want you to know that I love my kids and you were right. If I had to protect them because they weren't involved in any way, shape, or form with something, I wouldn't mention them to the authorities."

Aiden stopped and looked at Taftner again but spoke this time.

"Look Taftner, you don't have to explain yourself to me or any of this. I know you're a good guy, and I'd do the same thing to my brother if he ever tried to arrest me and essentially kill me."

Taftner smiled at Aiden.

"Well thank you. That makes me feel a little better, but now I have to ask that you be honest with me because I need to know."

Aiden had a feeling he knew where Taftner was going with this, but let him speak anyway.

"Where are your parents Aiden?"

Aiden stopped again and took a deep breath.

"They're safe."

Taftner was a little disappointed in this answer and needed to know more, so he knew they were all safe.

"Aiden please. I'm not asking you as a cop, I'm asking you as a friend. I don't care what the answer is, it wont change my opinion of you. You have proved yourself to be a good guy. You stopped that guard in Minnesota and got shot for Olivia. So please just tell me."

Aiden looked back at Olivia, then to the ground.

"My parents are in Paris."

Taftner looked at Aiden extremely confused.

"As in over seas Paris?"

Aiden nodded.

"Why'd you keep that a secret?"

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